Whole day in bed


New member
My dog is 7 yrs old, I'm guessing she's a senior or close to one at least. She is a mix breed and pretty small.

Usually she sleeps a bit more than me, wakes up to have breakfast together and then follows me around through the morning, we take a short walk of maybe 10-15 min. And then she gets back home to a small nap, a little bit of following around and playing and then lunch and repeat for the evening. She's like a small satellite that follows me around through the day and takes short naps to recharge.

I have a medium sized home with a small garden that according to my vet should be more than enough for a dog her size to live comfortably.

But today she barely got up to have breakfast, a bit later than usual, didn't want to go on our short walk and rather spent the majority of the day in bed. She has been sleeping intermittently for 15-20 minutes and stands up to change position or simply to stretch a bit, comes to me for a few seconds and then goes back to bed.

It doesn't look like there's anything bothering her, I checked her eyes, ears, paws, skin, mouth, etc. To see if there's something wrong but couldn't find anything.

When she's awake she looks happy, she's waging her tail and looks pretty active, but then goes right back to bed. To be honest the climate has been quite cold, 5°c or 41°F but nothing we haven't seen before.

Are these signs of aging?
Could it be just the cold climate?

It doesn't look that bad, so I didn't go to the vet, but it's been bothering me and has me worried. Thanks in advance for any experience or advice you could share.
@ephy You can always call your vet and ask. I've never had a vet that minded when we call to ask questions like this, and it happens more frequently than I'd like since I have a senior dog who is also diabetic.
@ephy My dog is almost always like this. He's about 9 to 11 years old, so he's getting up there. In the morning he goes out to pee, eats, and then it's couch time. He gets a potty break every hour or so, and if he ever gets zoomies they last about 30 seconds and end with him tired on the couch. Sometimes he'll show up at our bedroom door to make sure we're okay. He doesn't really like walks, and when we go on them he can only walk down the road about two or three times without being tired.

He's fine physically, he's just getting old. Arthritis, a back injury, and being nine (or eleven) is slowing him down. If you're really worried about it, I would call your vet and ask. If they're worried, take her in, but it doesn't really sound like something I would be too concerned about if she's getting up there and it's just one day.

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