Who owes these puppies, our female - no breeder contract

@zsevers I agree, this isn't really the right sub, as no responsible breeder would engage in such a ... Bizarre deal. But if the girl is legally yours, you should be able to take her and the pups back.

In saying that, wether this is the right thing to do, as you're not a breeder and don't have the knowledge or qualifications needed to raise a little of 2week old puppies is another thing entirely.
@knicole97 So, what's the scoop? They came to our house and said they would change the status, and I talked to them today and mentioned this because we are the dam owners and they could not fill out the AKC for the litter.
@zsevers All kinds of bad signs here but I don't let anybody on my property when I've got puppies under 8 weeks old. It is incredibly risky to the puppies especially with these new canine viruses running around not to mention the old deadly ones that are so easy to pass on shoes and hands. Verbal contracts are very hard to enforce and possession being with the breeder currently makes the issue even more difficult. This one's going to be a hard court case if it comes to that.
@zsevers Based on the first few things I read, it sounds like you made a guardian home agreement with your breeder during purchase and again during the breeding all without a registration and contract, too. Or possibly a co-ownership agreement where both sides co-own the bitch and split the expenses on health testing, and expenses for the litters. This all should have been all spelled out in a written contract which let's both parties know how the guardian home or co-ownership agreement works.

In cases of guardian home the breeder is the legal owner of the bitch as the bitch will be registered to the breeder (until the breeder retires the bitch at which point the breeder will transfer the bitch registration to the pet owners in their name as the new owners) aswell as also being the legal owner of the litter too. guardian homes are usually not compensated at all (unless they decide to participate in the whelping and handling of the litter which is unusual) and all the puppies belong to the breeder (minus the FPOL for the stud fee if a stud was used). Again, all this is in a written agreement.

Guardian homes only get the bitch back as their pet once the litter is old enough to self sustain without their mother which is around the 8-9 week age, but even this is dependent on both the litter and the mother. Basically almost 9-12+ weeks, plus the time needed for the mating (if applicable) where the bitch goes back to the breeder and then after that time the bitch goes back to the guardian home until her next litter and mating.

If it's a co-ownership the breeder is not going to let you onto the property until the puppies are old enough for their first round of shots.

As for the registration type the AKC will not allow a downgrade from Full to Limited Registration but does allow a Limited to be Upgraded to Full. Again this should have been spelled out in a written contract and you should have gotten the registration from your breeder and if you do have her registration it's 99.9% likely to be a Limited Registration which does not grant registration to the litter unless the breeder upgrades it to Full which the breeder will not do as it's irreversible if they do. the breeder will want to be compensated very highly for this registration upgrade with puppies or lots of money as they not only have to do the paperwork to upgrade the registration but they are also now putting their own kennel's reputation at risk if they do, and so the breeder is in no rush to upgrade the registration until you have compensated the breeder or they legally own the litter anyway.

Basically without a written agreement your fucked and your going to have to wait until the breeder and bitch are both ready for her to go back to you as your pet or allowed onto the property if it's a co-ownership.

I wish you luck but if you guys decide to do a second litter you guys need a written agreement that spells everything out.
@zsevers This is why you should not breed your pet. Only exceptional dogs should be bred, not pets. You dug this hole and you won't be getting your dog back until the puppies are fully weaned. Even then, I would not be surprised if she claimed there was an accident.

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