When evil a/c vents go on the attack…


New member
So my six month old mini poodle puppy picked out her “spot” as soon as we got her home. It was her spot for months. I’m keeping a leash on her when she’s inside because we’re not totally potty trained yet, and I need to be able to grab her and run if she looks like she’s thinking about going somewhere.

So she’s laying in her spot which is very near to an a/c hvac vent that is in the floor. She heard the doorbell ring while she was chilling and sprung into action. Unfortunately, her leash somehow caught the corner of the a/c vent cover, and it went flying across the room and almost hit her. She was absolutely devistated for a few days and still refuses to go near her “spot.”

I’ve tried petting the vent, (“Nice vent! Nice!”) and sitting over there and putting a few treats near there and she is just having none of it. She’s been restless since this happened. Any ideas on how we can salvage this? Or is all hope lost? This happened two weeks ago and she has not found a new “spot” yet.
@bellaeli97 Do you still have a leash on? Try taking it off, no collar or harness, and see if she relaxes more.

I think it's too much of safety hazard to have collar, harness or leash on indoors. You can grab her and pick her up without a leash.