Just experienced the most malicious, devious and personal attack on my own emotional well-being a dog has ever commited

@momma5 They know when it’s a serious moment and they take advantage to start games! Idk if it’s our reaction that they enjoy or what but it seems like whenever I need my puppy to take something serious for a second it becomes a huge game.

Yesterday, my puppy was trotting along the fence line when he suddenly hopped up in the air like he got bit on the foot. I immediately went over there and noticed several tiny little glass shards embedded in the ground 😱. We have an old house so the dirt is always turning up things from years past no matter how much we comb through the yard to clean it up.

So of course I’m right away trying to frantically pick them up. This is when puppy decides to start the game where he hops back with his ass in air, then forward into me barking, growling & biting at my hand, then hops away to start again. While I’m bent over holding the glass pieces. Every time I tried to pick up the glass on the ground he did this. Biting, jumping and barking.

He’s old enough to know better (8 month old boxer). But for whatever reason sometimes he decides to act up like this like he’s a tiny baby again. And it’s always when I really need him to behave lol
@moottheband sorry king youre right i should have considered if my tale of horror and strife would be funny to @moottheband i will delete the post in your honour, i deserve a thousand lashes for this. post my face on the town's notice board, i deserve pitchforks and flames for the felony of a joke not landing for a random internet user