What customer comments made you want to literally reach across the counter and slap someone?


New member
Customer inquired about the price of grooming two standard poodles.

I quote £90 per dog, will take roughly 2 hours per dog.

“£90 for 2 hours? That’s £45 per hour, do you know how much a junior doctor makes?”

In what universe would 100% of the payment go straight in the groomers pocket! Bitch you think I’m taking home £45 an hour?

I’m usually a pretty tolerant person but even my trainee could tell I was getting snappy after I had to explain to this moron that our shampoo costs alone have trebled in the last 2 years.

She usually grooms them herself because of course she fucking does and declined when I asked if she actually wanted an appointment.
@rushu I buy my own fabric and make bandanas myself. Most customers really love it because I pick really fun patterns and I try to never repeat fabric so everyone has fun seeing what their dog will leave with.

One time a customer picked up their dog and said “wow you guys really cheap out on the bananas huh” and I’m not going to lie, it REALLY hurt my feelings. I told her that I actually make them myself and really do try to have fun with them which I do think made her feel a bit bad bit still.
@chaz1268 Good, she should feel bad. Attitudes like that are why I stopped making my own bandanas and bows. Now everybody gets the cheap, ugly, corporate branded stuff my salon orders.
@chaz1268 Not to mention fabric is SO expensive if every dog that comes in gets a bandana! We always wait for the sales at Joann, and even then it costs a ton just for dogs to have a cute bandana to wear home.
@chaz1268 Do you charge for the bandanas? I buy mine of Etsy and although the quality isn’t amazing it’s just a cute little addition to the end of the groom, so rude of them to comment like that 🙄
@imagebeastmarkbeast She was absolutely being snarky. I spend a lot of money on fabric to make them; never mind the time I put into cutting them up. The polite thing to do would have been to tell me she doesn’t want a bandana doing forward.
@chaz1268 No I mean she probably didn’t know YOU made them. Like in she didn’t mean to hurt you but meant to be snarky about the dog grooming company perhaps because the prices were $$$$$ or some other reason.

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