Watching my friend’s dog and need to know if I’m overreacting…

Hi all, I’ll try to keep it brief but I need to know if I’m overreacting because I’m at a point where I don’t even want to be friends with this person, albeit for a few reasons but mainly this one.

My friend was leaving town and they asked me to stop by their apartment to feed their dog/walk her while they are gone. I love the dog, so even though they asked me the NIGHT before despite this trip being planned months in advance, I said yes.

They live in an apartment. They left yesterday afternoon and said security won’t let me in until the next day, but assured me they kept an extra bowl of food and that she doesn’t have overeating issues. They’ve “done this before” and the dog was fine, the patio was open for potty. I came in early this morning and the balcony door was open, which is great, but it was cold and the dog was shaking. There were no blankets, no more food left in the singular bowl, no bed to lay on (dog has hip problems) and all areas of the house barricaded aside from the cold, wood floor hallway. There was water outside the balcony sitting in the sun. No pee-pads, no real shelter, only the balcony floor to pee on. The real kicker? The food bag was empty.

I took her out for a walk and got her some fresh puppy-friendly food at my favorite cafe nearby. She was elated, well-behaved, but very untrained. She went potty quite a lot, we went back. She stood in front of the door begging me not to leave but I promised I’d be back in a few hours.

I found her bed hidden away and laid it out for her. I texted my friend that she didn’t have any food and they’re like “I forgot to tell you she was out of food, but you can buy her more and I’ll pay you back when I come home”.

This friend has never paid me back for anything. I can’t just not do it, either, it isn’t the dogs fault. But am I right to be mad about this? Am I overreacting to the treatment of this dog? And me, for that matter? Has anyone ever just not left any food, toys, shelter or comfort when you’ve taken care of them? I’m not even getting paid ffs.

Extra info: humane society has been called on them twice but from my friends description it sounded completely unwarranted. Now im not sure.
@fatalfantasy So im not being dramatic then! because that’s what I feel like I should do, but as it’s a friend and a pitbull I’m worrying about the dogs future even more by doing this… the dog is very friendly and not even a little bit aggressive, but I still wonder if it’ll be okay for her, and if it’ll disintegrate any amicability with my friend as of now.
@samuelcalebisrael Thank you from the bottom of my heart for watching out for this poor little soul. She doesn’t deserve this. You’re her advocate now. I’m sorry you’re in this position; your “friend” sucks.
@samuelcalebisrael OP, I'm sorry to say this but you are going to need to decide between the dog's welfare and your friendship. Personally, I wouldn't want to be friends with someone that can't, or won't, properly care for a living being.
@samuelcalebisrael Definitely not overacting. Your friend doesn’t deserve to have a pet. Poor pup. I definitely understand your concern if the dog ends up at the shelter it mostly won’t make it out. Pitbulls are highest killed in shelters.
@samuelcalebisrael That friend wouldn’t be my friend anymore. You can tell alot on a persons character in how they treat animals. Thats pure animal cruelty, so without knowing youre friend i’m saying that he/she/they are a piece of shit. Definitely call animal protection.
@anajtheone Unfortunately I can’t, and I’m not sure who could. I have two cats and a bird atm and they don’t like dogs/my landlord explicitly forbids me having a dog. It would be hard to hide too, as it was upon my downstairs neighbor’s request due to a previous renter. I’m looking into options!
@samuelcalebisrael I mean... people who wait until the night before a trip and leave vague instructions aren't going to exactly be quality pet owners.

I'm not sure what I'd do but bringing the dog to the shelter saying she was left in your care but the food was not provided would not be unreasonable.