Very funny take on different dog breed reactions


New member
Right this is only very loosely linked to reactivity but I chose the how different breed react to robbers (stranger reactivity honest)

It made me chuckle and I hope it gives us reactive dog owners light relief! Sometimes we need it

I love his one on how dogs run as well

Please mods if I am wrong to post this I apologise
@fancyface No, but it’s all over TikTok and something should come up when you google it. He was huge on TikTok for a while, and when his victims tried to ask TT to suspend his account and they wouldn’t, a lot of them posted a lot of evidence.
@horsefeathers8899 By physical evidence do you mean screenshots of the group chat? That's all the comes up. One TikTok by his ex who basically said he's a shitty person ("weaponized his depression and trauma", cheated on her), and then some screenshots of a group chat and some DMs. She posted proof that they dated, which may be what you're thinking of.

I'm not saying he didn't do it (I have no opinion either way since there's no evidence either way) but I think you might be misrepresenting the ironcladness of the allegations against him. There is, as far as I can tell, zero physical evidence that he sexually assaulted anyone. Not "pretty much all having been backed up with physical evidence". I also only saw one or two people saying he actually assaulted them.

You might be thinking of the screenshot that bundles "manipulated/gaslit/emotionally abused" with "sexually assaulted" and is just a yes/no ("raise your hand if" and a bunch of hand raised emoji) on the whole thing with no clarification of which part.
@christopherb Definitely not what I was thinking about, and in addition to screenshots of conversations where he basically tells one of them “oh well,” it’d pretty damn coincidentally for all of these girls to who didn’t know each other beforehand to be telling the same story.
@horsefeathers8899 Do you know what "physical evidence" means?

it’d pretty damn coincidentally for all of these girls to who didn’t know each other beforehand to be telling the same story.

I was intentionally not trying to address how easy it is to fake a text until it was unavoidable to do so. Screenshots are evidence of literally nothing. Some of the texts supposedly from different people also have the exact same mannerisms. Could absolutely be a coincidence -- as I said, I have no opinion on his guilt. But it also means that that "evidence" is not anything of the sort.

And even working within the assumption that the texts are 100% real, not one of them mentions having physical evidence.
@horsefeathers8899 A quick Google search says he wasn't accused of sexual assault. He was accused of being a cheater and manipulator. Saying he sexually assaulted women when he didn't will make people not believe victims of actual sexual assault.

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