Use your common sense people!!

@maebee_so Probably the same kind of people who come with a matted dog but "brush it everyday", dont want it shave, and when we do, we are the one who are "lazy"...
@maebee_so I have a medium hair cat that I rescued at 2 weeks who need daily baths as a kitten and gets bathed and dried on a schedule. He even let's me use my dremel on his nails and do his paw pads. I sometimes use my blenders on his butt fluff but I would never attempt to hand scissor his whole coat and he let's me do whatever I want to him. I couldn't imagine trying it on a client's cat
@maebee_so What I don’t understand is why people who don’t want to keep up with maintenance don’t listen to the “I can leave some fluff” (like a #4) “and you wouldn’t need to bring her back for longer and you won’t have to pay an extra dematting fee if you get that done instead of trying to keep her extra long” and fight the groomer every visit bc they can’t afford to come back every 2-4 weeks. Go a bit shorter (not shaved) she’ll be cute and soft and you won’t need to come back for like two months! (Personally I like how the shorter clean looks better on most dogs
@maebee_so Wasted two hours hand scissoring and brushing out a doodle last month, spent 20 minutes at checkout going over the high friction areas I had to de-mat and told owner that if she wouldn't get on top of it her dog would get shaved, and the work I put in is why I charged so much (still undercharged myself). She swore she understood and was sooooo thankful that I was "one of the good groomers" who took time for her fur baby. Dog came in last week with her whole stomach shaved to a 10 and owner bitched that I should have let her know that's what I meant when I said she'd get shaved if she didn't get brushed and went to cheaper groomer cause $100 for a doodle was "insane". 🫠 Learned my lesson there, ugh common sense isn't real.
@martin777 When clients go somewhere else and then come back to me it is an automatic back of the line. I will also charge them for everything that previously might have been discounted.
I’m sorry but that is just a big slap in the face. I’ve had a client actually tell me, “I guess you were better than we thought.”
@maebee_so It drives me nuts, especially since I've had clients come to me cause I'm cheaper than my mentor (the drama with that whole thing is something else) just to go to him cause his business seems "fancier" then come back to me complaining about his prices and their dog getting skin infections. Makes me appreciate my sweet regulars but oh my gosh how rude and dense can people get??