Is it common for people to only brag about their perfect puppies?

@thegingersnap16 Ha! This is literally why I'm here 😂 Picked up our pup last Saturday. He did not settle hardly at all on the 4 hours from breeder to home, turned into a fluffy potato pirhana and hardly ate much.

He was the second to be picked up from the litter of 7. I asked how his sister after him and brother before him got on and they were perfect - slept the whole way. And they're sleeping overnight (really?!). And they're already able to do math and 40 different tricks. Ok, I'm exaggerating on the tricks and math, but I am clinging on to him not chewing my sofa as a win.

He doesn't know his name. We've started trying to teach a settle. He still isn't eating much. I have no idea what I'm doing and if I can make it to breakfast without crying, that's a win so far.
@thegingersnap16 Our neighbours got a pup about six months ago after their 9 year old dog passed from an illness. They’re constantly talking about the fact that he’s good as gold, with only minor complaints about his yapping/barking. The other morning while lying in bed we heard one of the neighbours having a cry and obviously talking to the dog and saying what a horrible dog he was being and that his ‘dad’ wants nothing to do with him. So yeah, people definitely will downplay the problems their having with puppies.
@thegingersnap16 I have what is considered an "easy" puppy. But I'm the first to tell people - who comment on how obscenely well behaved and chill he is in public - that they just don't know him yet. LMAO. I was getting compliments at the vet about him and I had to spill the tea to her.

They don't see the sheer amount of poop I've had to get out of the carpet, the 4 AM licking my toes the one time he got to sleep out of his crate, the zoomies across my body if I'm lying on the couch, the constant need to bite my hair ties, the HUMPING (I didnt realize puppies did this) etc. Lmao. I tell people sometimes I understand why mothers eat their young. I love him though.
@martinisangry My husky puppy is relatively good. She's fairly calm in public and super social. She loves people and loves getting petted. Her trainer described it as her having "charisma," and it's totally true. She's really affectionate, and she has a way of making people feel like they're special and she loves them personally more than others because of how she's so incredibly sweet with them. I have to be careful not to shatter the illusion because people will comment like "awww she really loves me!" and I have to bite my tongue not to say "yeah she's like that with everyone!" haha.

She truly is incredibly attached to me, though... which is a problem because I'm not sure how we'll ever pass "supervised separation" on the CGC test.

And house training has been HELL. It's been a NIGHTMARE. She still isn't fully housetrained at almost 18 months! I can manage the situation by leaving her outside by herself for a certain amount of time to make sure she's "empty." If I'm out there with her, she's too distracted to "go." And if she's not empty and I'm not directly supervising her, she'll just pee and poop on the floor.

She also loves other dogs to the point that it's a problem. She's a frustrated greeter and throws an absolute full-blown husky tantrum sometimes if I don't let her greet another dog. I took her to an outdoor concert, and everyone was going on about how good she is. She was really calm and just hung out beside me the whole time.

Until we saw another dog and I wouldn't let her approach him. She absolutely HOWLED. It felt like every eye at the concert swiveled to us. We left and I calmed her down but it was SO EMBARRASSING, lol.

We're currently working with a trainer to curb that leash frustration/reactivity, so hopefully we can get that under control....
@imagebeastmarkbeast My 6yo husky is the same. She doesn't howl but she will DRAG me over to meet the other dog. Or she'll freeze and bolt, and that's fun to try to rein in.

I've been thinking now that we got our 4month black mouth cur puppy, and he does the EXACT SAME THING, even though I walk them separately most of the time, we will start working on this. Eventually I want to walk them together, but they need to be trained not to do this. Together they'll outweigh me so i need to address it. I plan to take them to a park or place with lots of dogs.... but far enough away to observe and not interact. Reward for calm behavior.
@thegingersnap16 Several factors

1- some people connect with other people by complaining/commiserating, while others think this is rude and wouldn't complain to someone they don't know well. (I am a complainer for sure but there are degrees I'm willing to complain depending on the company, I would never complain to an acquaintance)

2- some puppies don't cause that much trouble. (My puppy was a lot of work but didn't have any of the specific troubles you mentioned. Our biggest issue was counter surfing and being overly friendly) My neighbor has a puppy that is 10x more chill than my puppy.

3- most people in real life are much (and I mean MUCH) more laid back than people on Reddit.