Do we have a perfect puppy?

@jesussaves111 Our puppy was an angel. Slept through the night upon arrival. 4-5 accidents. Great in the crate. He is 8 months next week and all I can say is enjoy it while it lasts 😂
@jesussaves111 My cattle dog was an easy puppy, eager to please, super easy to train. My BF and I thought the same thing, we were super lucky until he turned like 11 months then he got a huge attitude lololol still the best dog ever just hella sassy and not as easy to train. Love him so much tho and obviously looking forward to spending the rest of his life with him
@jesussaves111 My 4mo mix breed is also something like that. He does have his handful of things, but a far far cry from the horror stories I read around this sub.

I just hope that this isn't a prelude to a 180º turn during his adolescence!
@jesussaves111 We got a perfect dog after having a high anxiety, epileptic lab mix who ran our lives for 11 years. She was only at her foster for a month and all we did was continue her training, but she has never had a problem with people food, jumping, or chewing things she shouldn’t. She’s literally a perfect angel. We feel like she’s our reward for dealing with our last dog for so long. So beware of your next dog lol
@jesussaves111 Our puppy stopped biting feet at least, but now she bullies me for food in the kitchen and pisses on the bed occasionally (usually if shes tired and we didn't get walks synced). However one win is we never gave her scraps from the table so she eats her own food then.
When she wants to play she will just look at me and bark and turning her head, usually when I sit down to relax. Usually playing with her on the floor or putting treats hidden in a blanket and letting her search for them keeps her busy for a bit. Bit of fetch in the long hallway and shes pretty satisfied.
@jesussaves111 My girl was amazing when I first got her. Adolescence is hitting hard though. I mean she still is good but she is pushing her boundaries a lot. 😂. The training part is a big factor though of why your pup is amazing, training is does a huge impact on a dogs behavior.
@jesussaves111 My first corgi puppy was the dream puppy. Slept 8 hours straight through the first night, without peeing in his kennel, and every night after that. Potty trained easily, never wanted to go in the house, always wanted to go outside. Had about 1 month where he ate the ends off of phone chargers, then stopped. Was never particularly bitey, never all that interested in "herding" me either. The second one, he systematically ate his way through my house, was difficult to potty train, and was difficult to do obedience training with, he was just difficult, but still, not bitey. He passed at age 5 this past summer from cancer and had turned into the best of boys. The older one is 8 and is normally a very good boy, but right now he's regressing a bit in his training because of the 15-week-old crack squirrel corgi puppy. Bogie has decided if Beep is going to do something (like being in the kitchen while I'm prepping food - a no-no) HE'S going to do it too, despite knowing he's not allowed. We're working patiently on reinforcing his training while training Beep the Meep. Some puppies are eager to please, but most are not. You currently are lucky. I was lucky in the past. I'm paying for it now.
@jesussaves111 Some dogs are so easy that it's like winning the lottery. Some dogs will make you want to tear your hair out. I've had both kinds! But even my wildest puppies finally calmed down and became very pleasant to be around. It took one of them til almost middle age though!
@jesussaves111 My lab mix was like this and quite frankly all my dogs stopped destroying stuff at like 8-9 mo max

My 3rd dog made up for my lab mix angel by being the biggest possible dick on a leash til age 3
@jesussaves111 It’s very possible you just have an easy puppy! Our golden turned 6 months recently, and he’s pretty darn close to perfect. His potty training and communication is wonderful, he’s not reactive, he responds so fast to training it’s awesome. Don’t get me wrong, he likes his fair share of stray socks, and likes to rough house every now and then, but overall he has been pretty easy. It’s possible yours will get worse, but so far we’ve been lucky and ours has been pretty easy to handle. He’s not destructive or particularly mouthy, even when he does have minor asshole behavior, he’s so quick to unlearn it with training so it’s never a long struggle. Perfect/easy puppies exist, and you might have gotten one! I also low key thinks it helps being in this sub. Cause I was in this sub for 5 months prior to us getting our puppy, and just knowing the horror stories and what to expect, made preparation much easier. I was prepared for a goblin, but brought home a very even tempered puppy who just wants to please. I hope your puppy stays easy and that your bonding experience continues to be smooth sailing!
@jesussaves111 Our mini schnauzer girl is now 1 year 3 months and honestly? Some pups are just like that. She's been the easiest puppy I have ever, EVER met! I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop when she was a teenager and yeah, she got a tiny bit more high energy, but overall still a perfect pup.

However, that being said— even perfect pups aren't always perfect 😂 Our girl got bored when we had to suddenly leave her by herself for a day for an emergency and she chewed at the corner of one of our couch cushions.

Here's to hoping things stay this easy for you! It IS possible!
@jesussaves111 Ahhh you're in what I like to call a lull in the ride. Mine is still testing boundaries at 16 months and he's had moments where he tricked me into thinking he's left his puppy stage lots and lots of times.. Good luck

16 month golden/border collie named "Mello" lol mellow is a funny word to shout at your dog across the park as he bolts from your sight for whatever he caught track of.

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