Urinary crystals/UTI treatment?


New member
Hi everyone!

Last year after i adopted my 2yr old terrier mix, her urine came back with crystals so dr put her on urinary so. We ate that for 3 months but after research i put her on natural balance (low phosphorous). 9 months later she;s peeing inside (on floor, 3x on couch) in the past week, after being completely housebroken for 9 months. We also take cranadian daily.

I'd love to avoid a vet visit, but wondering what the vet treatment would be other than urinary so? Is that our only option? there's no blood in her pee.

Excuse any typos - I had wrist surgery and am typing with one hand. I appreciate any insight at all.
@mpower82 Ah, and oh no! I mean technically antibiotics would clear a uti but if it’s crystals then it would have to be a food. Maybe a medication to break down the crystals if you ask. That sucks though that she’s not feeling well again
@mpower82 One of my dogs is on prescription food for crystals, he said it’s for life after he treated her the 3rd time. I don’t know enough, but he basically said some dogs are just prone to developing them so they have to be on the specialized food-forever.