Was told my dog had cancer, but actually it was just a UTI

@houstonreborn 1000%, a second opinion is always a good option. Your old vet sounds incompetent AF, I’m sorry you got such a runaround with them. I understand that medicine is a practice, but I mean COME ON.
@mc_squared My oldest dog was misdiagnosis with a 'upset' stomach when she had pancreatitis. He also broke a needle on her hip bone.

My 1yr old byb American Eskimo has every genetic problem she could have. She was very very underweight 10lbs underweight as a puppy. Our vet put her on an extremely high fat diet. Eventually the food needed up burning out her pancreas, because it was constantly being bombarded with high fat.

She developed pancreatitis, which is the inflammation of the pancreas, which has symptoms of the flu. Runs, vomiting, can't keep any thing down, cannot pass stool normally. Constant stretching, pacing and painting/shaking, hard stomach on palpation, warm to the touch and feaver.

We brought her in for the above symptoms; she has EVERY single one. A textbook example of it. They did bloodowkr and x-rays said we don't know we will give her a injection to stop her from throwing up.

Went to give the injection, inserted from a mile away swing onto her thigh. Snaped off. His hand bounced back and he said 'she doesn't have alot of fat on her does she?!' I was LIVID. She was screaming (very dramatic dog) and he would have known that if he had touched her at all. Did a proper exam or asked ANYTHING about her.

Looking back on it, if he even asked ONE question he would have been able to diagnose her.

'Shes really thin'
That statement would have solved it all. My response would have been she's underweight and on a high fat diet to gain. That would have lead to 'how long' and then 'pancreatit' in a second!

She had a vet phobia for her entire life after. We spent 5yrs going to the vet 3times a week just to walk around and not have an appointment to get her used to it. It never worked. She was till terrified. I got an at home vet to come when it was her time

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