Total Opposites


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We have 2 ACD mixes, one from the humane society. He had heartworms when we fostered him, but 10 years later he’s doing great and as you can see is very food motivated.

The second one is very aloof. She came from a rescue in western kentucky. She’s been with us a little over 3 years.

My husband did not grow up with dogs. He had respect for them because he worked with them in the navy, but not as a pet. Long story short, it too k me 3 years and we found a dog! I left work in the middle of the day to drive the next state over. When the guy at feeder supply said, “ I don’t know why he’s been here so long. I guess it’s the heartworms” I had a moment. Started asking questions, looked online, talked to my husband, played with my guy and told him we would be back tomorrow. When we came to get him everyone was asking about him. He’s been my boy ever since.

I said it took us 3 years to get the right dog because I am not a little dog person and my husband does not like big dogs. I snuck one in! I found her on pet finder. She was way down in western Kentucky, there was a snow storm that day and we were meeting the foster at the park. It was just myself and my son because Wes was skeptical of getting a second dog. We get there and she’s a bit bigger than we expected, she’s very polite, we’re standing in a snowstorm exchange paperwork (they are reputable. They have reached out to me and I’ve shared photo of our girl) and we take her home. She smelled so bad. Apparently she had been living on a dairy farm outdoors. So another 3 hours back home and we show up with a dog much larger than my husband expected, she smelled awful, wasn’t mean but not affectionate. He helped me wash her, dry her, get her all snuggled up, talked to her and for a man who does not like surprises he handled it amazingly. They are now best friends. She adores him and he adores her. He gets her like I get my little guy.