How many TOTAL hours a day do you spend DIRECTLY interacting with your pup?

@debbiesdispensational Define directly. We start training from the second we get up. Open the crate? You wait till I dismiss you to come out. Making coffee? Time to practice sit, shake, lay. He keeps me company in the bathroom while I get ready. If it’s a daycare day, that’s an extra 20/30 min of commute where I talk to him the whole way there and home. Not a day care day? We start training as soon as I get home. Then usually a half hour of general training, because results and progress make me smile and it’s a good stress reliever for me. Practice things like place while I eat dinner to keep him from begging. Sneak in some cuddles and then crating before bed. We’re learning how to live together. It’s an adjustment but training him has become my hobby.
@debbiesdispensational A on lazy days, B on adventure days.

Every day, about 45 minutes in the morning (not including her self-entertain time while I make breakfast), 30 minutes at lunch, and 1-2 hours in the evening for dinner, training, and playtime.

On adventure days, add an extra 1-3 hours doing something like a hike, swim, puppy class, walk, or other adventure. Adventure days are 3ish days per week.

Also who are these people spending 6-8 hours a day with their pup? Puppies need a lot of sleep!
@debbiesdispensational I think I'm in the C bucket. Working from home means our pupper is a little spoiled, ha.

That being said...I really appreciate this post. I feel guilty not interacting with her sometimes and just playing video games or something. But seeing people saying that they just chill with their puppy has helped a little.
@debbiesdispensational C) I have a husky and a mal.
  1. I do 7 miles bike ride with them in the morning.
  2. 15 Mins of individual obedience training each with treats for lunch
  3. 3-4 mile bike ride followed by 10-15 min individual play/tug/bite work sessions
I work from home so I have a lot of time for them. However my family helps me with their feed so I spend a lot less time if I had to prepare/feed them twice a day.
@masterspen We have a border collie/corgi/cattle dog mix and we would love to teach him to run with us in the mornings. But biking would be incredible! How long did it take to train your pups to run along with the bike?
@debbiesdispensational B/C during the day, D on weekends. 9 months, lots of energy, still not good enough at settling and impulse control to be left alone. 1-2 hours in the morning, crate while I work, and then she’s out 5-7 hours until she goes to bed. On weekends she doesn’t usually get crated the full time or at all.
@debbiesdispensational A on the weekdays. I have a full time job that is super draining some days. I used to try to do B but realized I was draining my own mental health.

B/C on weekends. I don't feel pressure to focus on errands or chores. She goes with me and helps me out. She actually gets more tired during chore day than any other thing we do 😂