How many TOTAL hours a day do you spend DIRECTLY interacting with your pup?

@annieopie Every dog I’ve ever had does this. They love to stare up at you with those big googoo eyes while chewing, lovingly relishing in the shared activity they love.

Honestly, I wish I was that easy to please.
@tatig I do. I tried to establish with her that work time is work time. I keep interaction to a minimum during work hours. She is only crated at night. We are in a sweet spot right now, I know adolescence is looming and all might be undone soon!
@slingshotandrock My 8 month mini Aussie is about the same, although he has begun to ask for more attention. He's very polite about it though - he will sit right next to me and give me that Aussie stare and, if that doesn't work, he'll let out a small "woe is me" groan lol. Definitely wanting more affection than he did a couple of months ago.

He also prefers when I hold his chews. It's adorable and I love it.
@debbiesdispensational I have an hour or so of direct contact in the morning, letting her out (I like to monitor her outside), feeding, our morning cuddles.

Then she follows me down to my work area and usually lays right next to me in her bed. I’ll pet her from time to time and if she requires more attention she’ll stand up and look at me until I turn my body towards her. At that time, she’ll put the front half of her body on me to essentially cuddle me. That happens usually once a day haha.

Of my 9 hour work day I’d say I probably spend 2-3 hours interacting with her in some capacity. Taking pictures, giving treats, trying to make her quiet while I’m on a call lol, petting her/searching her, taking her outside so I can get a break from sitting. It’s on/off interaction but I get an hour lunch break and we definitely cuddle or go for a walk or both.

Then after work we hang out. We will play outside and she’ll follow me as I clean and we usually cuddle for a long while. There’s 5-6 hours from post work to sleep time. I take breaks while I clean and what not and sit on the couch with her. I usually end the night with 30-40 minutes of cuddling with her and my cat.

The thing is, she knows I’m there the entire time. She knows she can come and get me. When I’m not there, per my husband, she just stares at the door for me to come back.

I’m sure some days I interact with her less and some days it’s more, depending on how busy work is.
@debbiesdispensational For myself I can say I don’t get too much done anymore which is not great…. I can really only work when he is asleep because his FOMO is real! I also live in an open floor plan apartment so it’s really challenging to just pop him in his crate in a place in the apartment where he can’t see/hear me even with a cover which probably leads to more interaction than we otherwise would have if I could be in another room. He is only 11 weeks though so I’m telling myself this is his neediest time ha.