Today a woman made a complaint about me

@snorks4lyfe So how is she going to sit there and say you never bathed the dog, WHILE saying you didn't dry him off enough? Girl, if you're going to lie, at least make it make sense.
@cadtalk Because calling the manager after you've left means talking to someone who wasn't present for the retrieval. Next time they have a shit dog with a worse owner the manager should be there as well.
@snorks4lyfe This is exactly why most groomers I know just won't groom huskies. Especially not new ones. I stopped grooming huskies even before I stopped grooming anything over 20 lbs.
I'm 42 years old and my body is beat to hell from over 15 years of grooming.
It's a thankless job and you have to treat yourself with grace because these clients certainly don't 😂
@ngole I don’t take huskies, chows, shepherds, corsos or Rottweilers that I haven’t groomed since puppyhood. Sorry, I’m not risking my face. I’ve worked with dogs for too long to be naive about this stuff
@ngole I won't do Huskies anymore. I've only been grooming 6 years and I stopped 2 years ago. Their owners are always rude and expect perfection on a dog that doesn't behave in the slightest. Over it.
@ngole I feel like I am one of the few groomers who ADORES huskies and their antics, and I connect with them really well I feel like. But I totally understand why someone wouldn't want to do them anymore, they can be A LOT.... Especially the woolies 😬 but their owners are some of the worst like 80% of the time. But I firmly believe a lot of people who own huskies absolutely should not even own a dog, let alone a stubborn working breed like a husky.
@snorks4lyfe Every husky owner, complains about the dog still being wet. This is exactly why I don't do them anymore. The dogs are HORRIBLE for every stage of the process and instead of being understanding or respectful they complain the dog is still wet let me tell you, if a dog that won't stand still for the dryer and is acting like it wants to jump off the entire time, you can bet a small spot or two are gonna get missed. We aren't miracle workers. The worst ones are the ones who call back 3 weeks later and say the dog started shedding again, and they want their money back. 80% of husky owners shouldn't even have the husky and should have a Labrador.
@snorks4lyfe Put it in the notes! Be factual and say exactly what happened. Shorten it to the necessary parts of dog behavior and PP reaction. Put in you tried to recommend vet grooming. Then, add in the check-in notes and booking to look at the previous notes.

You did the best you could, and I commend you. Next time she pulls this stint, they'll be evidence she's done this, and hopefully, that'll get her banned. Maybe then she'll fi ally get she's the problem but I doubt it.
@rosina I'm assuming this is at PetSmart given the language used in this post and at PetSmart I was told to use that furminator on every bath dog. It wasn't until I switched to private that I learned how damaging it is on so many coats. Hopefully OP knows they handled the situation beautifully with my only note being to research the damage the furminator can cause on guard hairs
@snorks4lyfe I wish the groomers in charge of managing clients like this were more strict about client’s BS. Clients can be trained into being better clients and they can easily be let go if their pet pose a serious risk to injuring themselves or people. No groom is worth a permanent injury, our job is hard enough as it is
@snorks4lyfe Don’t put yourself down. She is a nightmare client, be glad you don’t have to deal with her anymore! As for the dog, I feel awful for him…he’s definitely neglected at home.
@snorks4lyfe As an owner with a dramatic and anxious husky, thank you for taking such good care of the dog and trying to be patient and reassuring even though he was being crazy. Although my husky isn't this bad, I was very nervous picking out a groomer because I really wanted someone who would take the extra time to make her as comfortable as possible (I offered to pay extra for taking up extra time). I found a great a groomer and it sounds like you're a great groomer too. Groomers like you make me feel much better about dropping my anxious girl off places. Not that you need to approval of a random internet stranger, but you're doing a great job!
@snorks4lyfe How can you possibly bathe properly ( 2 step deshed and 1 conditioner), dry and do nails on a dog moving around like this in less than an hour?
I can safely groom a short haired cat bathed 3 times and hv dryer in an hour. They weigh 10 lbs.
the hair didn’t come out after the drying because he wasn’t completely dry.
@jesusmaryandjesusandjesus I’m quick with it, and strong armed, like I said he’s small and not strong, and threw himself all over but I could put him where I needed when I needed, the problem is the flailing and throwing himself off the table + tripping in the bath. Also in our salon you are allowed to mix the furrminator shampoo and conditioner together so I opted to do a pre wash with some CHI and then a second wash with the double shampoo and conditioner cause he was touchy, and he didn’t have a thick coat so the drying didn’t take long

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