Today a woman made a complaint about me


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So today I had a decently stacked schedule, nothing I couldn’t handle but I did have to go quickly with a few dogs, one being a 9 year old husky who was being expressed through a bath and brush due to some pretty bad kennel aggression. The pet parent came in at 9:30 am and told me her husky had a lot of compaction in his chest and a significant amount of shedding, when I did my little assessment of him his hair was coarse and felt like a terrier maybe, and his chest definitely had thick hair but not any kind of compaction that I could see or feel. I didn’t say anything to the pet parent at the time and figured she would be happy with my work when I was done anyways, so it would be ok.

This husky had a history of being bad about nails, and mom made an emphasis on the nails being short. I let mom know that because he was an express it would be about 45-50 minutes. Now this is a medium sized husky who is very skinny and light, about 45 pounds maybe, when I put him on the table he was already acting wirey, he flailed his decently long legs in every direction. When I did get a loop on him, I decided a cone was the best bet. I dropped my elbow under his tail and butt and started cutting his nails, he kicked and jumped and stepped on my head but again he was small and wasn’t super strong either, just a decent amount of annoyance. I had to have someone hold him and I ended up getting kicked square in the nose, that sucked, but a hazard of the job.

In the bath he was even more jumpy, he flailed and kicked and screamed and flopped and fell, and became a serious hazard to himself, along with trying to bite the water and throwing his open mouth in any direction he pleased, this is another hazard of the job. I mark this as his second strike in my mind now, I think, if he’s not capable of safely standing and doing this groom, if I have to consistently prevent him from harming me or himself, then he is no longer safe to groom.

When I moved him to the drying table it was solidified for me, I kept my composure the best I could even with the few times he leaped straight from my arms to dangle his back legs off the table, I held him and comforted him the best that I could. No amount of reassurance, or slowness, or patience, or snapping made this dog behave any better whatsoever, and he simply was too much of a risk without the proper restraints and I simply don’t have those at my job. I called the pet parent at 10:00 and told her it would be about 15-20 more minutes, the exact amount of time I needed to brush him, and I TRIED, his hair was too coarse for the furrminator brush to properly get through, it snagged on the texture of his hair, it was weird, so I brushed with a rubber brush, a slick brush, all the brushes I had at my disposal and this dog lost basically no hair. But I brushed anyways for the amount of time promised by my job, throughout the brushing he was still consistently trying to thrust himself over the edge of the table to his doom.

I decided at that point to let this pet parent know we wouldn’t be able to take her baby anymore and prepped a list of the best recommended vet groomers and private groomers in our area. The pet parent came in about 10:58, I sat with her baby while he screamed and threw himself at every dog and person and flipped over himself and overall just tried to get his little body wherever he could to spread chaos. I was able to calm him down by sitting him between my legs and just very softly running my hand over his whole face, the only calm time I received.

When the pet parent came in (at 10:58) she immediately asked if I even bathed her dog, I was a bit shocked but I assured her that yes, I washed her dog. She didn’t even give me a chance to open the short door dividing us, she just bent her body over it to very insistently run her arms and hands through his coat, over his coat, it seemed like she was looking for loose hair. She kept insisting I did not wash her dog. So I took a deep breath and kept a smile on and checked the computer, I let her know that she dropped her dog off at 9:28 am, I started at 9:30 and I told her that her dogs groom was going to end around 10:20, that was the amount of time I had told her when she dropped off. She said “whatever” and had an EXTREME attitude about all of it, pulling her dog around, huffing and muttering under her breath, still leaning down and checking her dogs coat for any kind of mistake in the groom. I took a deep breath and put on my sympathetic customer service smile and told her that I regretted to inform her that we would no longer to able to take her baby at our salon, she cut me off before I could inform her about recommended vets and she started exclaiming that he’d been going there for four whole years! She’d never heard of him being bad! (He has many notes about being bad, and there were many notes explaining her anger towards groomers and bathers telling her that he’s bad) she said this was stupid and left, throwing many other unsavory words and comments over her shoulder.

Later my manager came in and informed me she made a complaint, she said HER DOG WAS STILL WET. The dog she accused me of NEVER BATHING, the dog she felt over furiously when I gave him back to her, the dog I made SURE was dry because I KNEW she would try to find something to complain about. We can laugh it off, but how RUDE can you be?! I was nothing but smiles and politeness and gave you back a damn good looking and smelling dog. Maybe it’s me, but I think that the pet parents have gotten a little more hostile lately
@snorks4lyfe I'm sorry. I'm assuming this is a corporate salon. Given she complained and lied, has she been "referred out"? Based on what you shared here that should have been done a while ago.

Anywho, I wouldn't let this asshole dog and person get you down. There's always at least one. You went above and beyond for that dog and hateful woman.
@snorks4lyfe You did your best and it all on camera. You followed all of the protocols and sometimes crappy owners are just gonna be like that.

It's been happening a lot to the salon I work at lately but I see it as a good thing! There will always be new customers, weed out the brats and then you will have a nice schedule.

One of my worst behaved regulars injured my arm a couple of weeks ago and I sent the dog home unfinished (just the face left) because the dog made me pull a muscle. She is nuts and scratches my arms raw every groom. That day it would have been VERY unsafe to try to trim her face.

Even after the injury, the owner calls right after my manager iced my arm up. He was upset that I couldn't finish the face and asked why it took so long if I couldn't finish the face. Umm excuse me, your dog beats me up every time I groom her... What? No leniency at all? They know she's crazy, she's been kicked out of every salon she had ever gone to. My manager told him would need her to be medicated if we wanted to continue grooming her. We didn't even fire them at that point.

Then he picked up after I had left. He was very upset I didn't do the face and FLASHED HIS OLD POLICE BADGE AT MY MANGER. Like it would do anything. I'm on camera being abused by your pet and want I want to put her and my safety first, what on Earth would the police department do about this situation??

So yeah, owners be nuts. But there are soooo many good ones that do really care for their pets and their groomers. Weed out the miss behaved 3x a year dogs and make room for little angel babies.
@hache I wonder what would happen if you called the precinct about the owner flashing his (probably defunct) badge around? Over dog grooming?! Hmmmm…
@funker Right? I work corporate though, so we can't really do much unless he were to act again. I bet he's too embarrassed to ever walk into our store again lol

But for real though, getting rid of the problem customers and dogs has been so great for my mental health lately! It's just a bummer we all have to tough through such a difficult job and deal with this stuff.

We all work so hard! I hope that the owners that come into this subreddit learn a lot from our stories.
@deuteronymous do you know you shouldn't pass the rotten apple to another person? lol..

Anyway, just inform them your salon is fully booked for 3 months ahead. and advise her to find another salon because the conditions of the dog definitely will be worse if they want to wit for another 3 months. and there're changes in grooming fee as well. raise the grooming fee for aggressive dogs
@agent23 This is excellent advice. An older businessman friend of mine said it this way... "I never refuse work. I just adjust my pricing based on how busy I am and whether or not I think it's worth the time/effort I'll have to put into that work." So he'd quote outrageous prices to the known jerk customers... and quote reasonable prices to those reasonable customers as a way to weed out the aholes.
@aspiller1998 This. I always say it but these people have lost their damn minds since covid times.
All these new pet owners that are uneducated, entitled and unreasonable... and even people that have been long time clients are becoming hostile and ridiculous.
I'm so sick of it. I don't tolerate any of the BS from these people or their dogs anymore lol.
@ngole I don't blame you and agree 100%! You aren't paid enough to put up with the level of crap that you do. What I don't understand is why people are such buttholes to others that are doing their best to help them out - whether that be preparing your food, cleaning your office, taking your x-ray, grooming your critter, etc. I cringe when I go out and hear how people talk to each other. I tip my hat to you for being able to remain professional. I'd probably try to pin the person down, shave their head and attempt to express their glands only to get a free ride with the popos downtown in the back of their weewoo wagon. Thanks for continuing to groom - a lot of us do appreciate you and we need to tell that you more often.
@snorks4lyfe She would’ve complained no matter what, you did everything you could. And unfortunately corporate will not stand up for you. Whether it be that you should’ve stopped the service or refused the dog or whatever. They’ll do anything to please their shitty bottom of the barrel clients.
@snorks4lyfe I'm not a groomer. I like coming here though because sometimes there are tips and advice, the pictures can be really cute, and it gives me insight into the life of groomers.

This story so very much touched my heart! Whatever they pay you grooming angels out there, it isn't enough.

We have a Biewer terrier. He's a little giant and weighs 15.5 lbs and is now a bit over 16 months old.

Typically, as a puppy, I would have wanted to take him in every 3 weeks but the salon couldn't accommodate that. Which is fine and that concerned me a bit, but we worked together.

He hated combs and brushes, hated his face and feet being touched and worked on, was scared to death and angry at the dryer. I followed the groomers advice in between appointments. It was a process of two steps forward, one step back. It was forward progress though, nonetheless.

I gave bigger tips. Sometimes I gave double tips. That's not enough, but it was the very best I could do and hoped the gesture would convey my gratefulness. (I still give extra sometimes) He does much better now. Sometimes he's a little bit of a stinker still, but not a nightmare. We still do the touching training every day.

My groomer isn't responsible for my dog behaving during a groom. They are an integral asset and influence, but it's my job to work on his issues.

He loves going now and practically vibrates when he knows we're going in the direction of the salon.

To OP and all the other groomers out there, thank you for everything you do! There are people who admire you and are grateful. I couldn't do what you do. It would make me a nervous wreck. Some heroes have dryers, clippers, scissors, combs and brushes... AND a whole lot of patience! Thank you!

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