Those Who Have Left the Industry …

@mutambo Thank you so much, you have no idea how happy this makes me and how grateful I am to you for sharing it with me! I'm going to look now, and hopefully we can move forward (and north 🙃) without my crazy anxiety making it a miserable time.
@mutambo I always dreamed of moving and working in Alaska when I was younger but I had no money saved up. Maybe I’ll make a goal out of it. Just pack my pups up and start a new job up there.
@ulrichgood I accidentally stumbled upon this job, I kinda laughed at how wild it would be, and a week later, I had the job. It was pretty impulsive, but I've made impulsive cross-country moves a few times. Most of these jobs get posted online in winter (January and February had a ton of new job listings for Alaska). The state practically shuts down in the winter, so you won't find many jobs for winter months. They scout people in winter to make sure they have a team by spring when things open back up. If you get out there for spring/summer jobs, it opens up more opportunities for permanent positions, though. I had another friend who got an apprenticeship up there to learn to brew beer, and I even got offered a job in a greenhouse there. These businesses are desperate to get people up there, so they are generally willing to train people in something new.
The state practically shuts down in the winter

I'm sorry what? The winter here is 9 months long. In no way does anything in Alaska "shut down" in winter aside from the tourist season.

No the businesses are not "desperate to get people up there," they are keen to take advantage of people who....well, people who think Alaska is what you think it is.

You need to rethink this. You are in for a rude awakening.
@imagebeastmarkbeast I've been thinking about it for over 4 months, and I literally start in a few days, so I'm not going to rethink it. I've talked to people I know who have gone to Alaska for jobs like this, and they're honest about their experiences. I never said it would be fun or easy, but I'd rather do this than groom dogs. If I hate it and come home, who cares? I tried something new.

The state itself doesn't shut down, but major highways aren't really usable in the winter, and hundreds of tourists based jobs disappear for the winter. That's something to take note of.

I'm not dumb enough to go work for some random dude with dogs in the woods. This is a company with a lot of employees based in town.

Finally, you don't know me or my experiences, and you're making a lot of assumptions. Alaskans seem to have a big attitude about people coming there, but you guys should be thankful for the people who come in and make your tourist season a success.
@mutambo Based "in town?"

There are zero dog mushing operations "in town" of any type.

Just the fact that you said that is a bit of a yikes. Did you visit ahead of time? have you ever been to Alaska? Seen a dog mushing yard? Anything?

major highways aren't really usable in the winter

Uh, no? That's just not true.

The "Denali Highway" closes to cars in the winter but it's not a "major highway" it's a dirt road used to access hunting. In the winter it's heavily used by snowmachiners, it's even mechanically groomed.

All the actual major roads in Alaska are open and accessible all year round.
@mutambo Hi, I'm in Alaska. Please do not overestimate your likelihood of getting paid any sort of decent money to work for a musher, and for god's sake NEVER live anywhere remote/ reliant on your musher employer. EVER.
@imagebeastmarkbeast Lol I was literally just saying how cool of an opportunity I thought that was and I was grateful for the info on that site for jobs in alaska. Not entirely sure where you got the idea that I thought I knew what it was like to mush dogs in Alaska. I just thought it was a super cool opportunity to work with/around them. I mentioned how much I'd love to work WITH/AROUND the dogs, mainly to learn more, not that I knew anything about them or mushing.

I definitely know what huskies are. I have one. But I don't have an Alaskan husky and I don't have a sled dog. If anything my siberian husky would be a far better ratter than a sled dog 😂

I think you need to take a nap or something
@imagebeastmarkbeast No sh*t Sherlock. Did I say my husky was a sled dog? I said I would love to work with them and I love everything about the enthusiastic pack mentality that they have, which is something that is common between both Siberian and Alaskan huskies. Just because I thought the opportunity was awesome and something I'd love to do does not mean I was saying I know ANYTHING about the technical aspects of it or that I think my dog and I could do it. Because we couldn't.

I have no idea what crawled up inside you and died to give you such a bad attitude but you really need to calm down.

Once again, take a nap, you seem cranky.
the enthusiastic pack mentality that they have, which is something that is common between both Siberian and Alaskan huskies.

This is just childish, unrealistic, and so far from the realm of reality that I truly hope you spend some time learning what you're talking about.

Pro tip though: If you devote part of every post to insulting the person you're talking to, it doesn't really make you seem like the reasonable party.
@dante116 I took a 2 yr hiatus during covid and I hated every moment of it. At first it was a nice break from all the shit we deal with but I just wasn’t happy without the pups (and kitties) in my life making them beautiful and getting their love. People suck but you deal with their shit everywhere you work no matter what.

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