Thinking about getting a puppy? Be ready


New member
I, for one, will never be getting a young puppy again.

My puppy is generally good. He crates well, sleeps great, only has around 1 accident a day and it’s just a little pee. He bites of course, but he’s smart and responds to “No!” And “Quit.” for a lot of things.

So all in all, he’s not a bad puppy. But he’s a puppy. And it is SO MUCH WORK AND WORRY. And CONSTANT supervision. If he’s not crated, I have to be staring at him 24/7. And I work 3 twelve hour shifts a week so I’m home with him 4 days a week, and my bf takes care of him when I work.

I don’t know how y’all do it that work 5 days a week.

If you’re considering getting a puppy, think VERY long and hard about it. Thoroughly search the puppy blues threads in this forum and weigh whether or not you have the resources and patience to deal with this.

I very much have the resources and patience for this, and I will never do this again. He’s very cute and will be a very good dog, but most days I wish I had never gone down this path. I do love him, don’t get me wrong. But yeah. Never again. puppy tax
@pastmoon That’s what I said about mine and now we’re getting ready to welcome another puppy in a year 😂 it gets so much better and you get complacent. I’m ready to suffer again
@bumbl3bee This! :D We are just nearing the end of puppyhood and I am CRAVING another puppy in my life. But we have our hands full at the moment so really, this isn't even a discussion at the moment.
@meehan8381 Well I see you have a husky so I know you’re crazy lol.

I said that about kids too. 10 years later and he’s still an only child. I’m stubborn af haha.
@pastmoon To be fair our next dog is going to be the easiest one I can find that fits our needs - a golden retriever haha. My fiance and I both agreed no more spitz breeds.... but who knows. Our husky was a pain but his personality is very fun, and he's so smart.
@meehan8381 Yup this was us too. Im on a new account so I can't give my usual "look at my post history to watch me devolve into puppy-induced depression"" but I was a wreck! I actually wanted to get rid of our lab puppy the first 2-3 weeks we had him. Thank god my fiancé refused because a year and a half later we have a wonderful, well rounded dog who is the highlight of every single day for us both AND a second lab pupy coming our way in January. Am I insane? Almost certainly. Am I counting the weeks down with giddy excitement? Damn right.
@catcox I'm on day 5 of an 8 week old lab puppy, and I've cried literally every single day.

I decided to give her back both yesterday and the day before but the other half isn't having it.

We have 2 cats and I remember hating them when we got them, but now I would literally die for them, so I just need to wait this one out. Soon I'll love her so much I'm willing to accept the days she's a certified terrorist.

It's just so hard to have every spare moment filled with dog at the moment.
@ohm_resistor LOL when our puppy was being a nut and demand barking in his pen I would say "We don't negotiate with terrorists".

Anyway we have 3 cats and when we first got our puppy I had mental breakdowns/crying fits for almost two months, I felt like our lives were ruined and I ruined the cats' lives. So I totally understand, and I'm telling you it is definitely going to get easier, hang in there! Enforcing naps will save your life and sanity.
@meehan8381 I’ve had my puppy for 6 weeks and I already want another puppy 🤣

I think I got lucky and have an amazing puppy, my friend got a puppy a few weeks after and is having a real hard time- but I’m prepared to take the risk.

I’ve had dogs before but getting a puppy from 8 weeks has been the most fulfilling experience of my life.
@imagebeastmarkbeast Same! I have two 11.5 week old beagle boys that are a dream. They just want to cuddle, play, go on walks and train for treats. Potty training was a breeze, barking is a rarity, bitting is...well a pain, and bedtime is always a struggle if they aren't ready yet - too bad, growing boys go to bed at 10 pm lol.

I've been waiting for the hell hounds to emerge and knock on wood it won't happen. Until then I'm going to take all the kisses and give all the love they are willing to take!
@jesusismyhero11 This is how I feel about my new GSP puppy. He’s 7 weeks and just came home this week. He sleeps so much, is amenable to the kennel and is very mild mannered. We wake up twice a night for potty breaks. Then we walk, play, nap and eat during the day. He’s such a good boy.
@meehan8381 It helps having an adult dog to help you train a new puppy so the second one honestly is never as bad as the first. It’s like having two kids but the oldest is old enough to help babysit lol

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