Thinking about adopting and had some questions


New member
So to start off I’m 18F, and I know what your probably thinking already but hear me out. At the moment I’m working 4 days a week during December (definitely) to feb (not a hundred percent sure yet) I will be working 5 days a week, when I hit March I’ll be back to working 4 days a week. At the moment I’m getting paid $21 an hour and work 9 hours during the week and 8.5 if I work weekend days. I get paid monthly which I like because I’m able to budget for the month. I still live with my parents but pay $400 board a month which helps pay for food etc. we own a dog already she is about 5 years old and I love her, however a lot of the time when I go for a walk or more specifically jog, I can’t take her as she’s already been for two long walks and a jog will be over doing it for her which is part of the reason I’m wanting to adopt my own dog.

We own some cats, I personally look after one which we had to adopt from our neglectful neighbours who left her and moved out. I also own 4 goldfish which are also my own so I’m not inexperienced with responsibility. I know what I’m looking for in a dog, I want a medium sized dog who gets along with cats, other dogs and has enough energy to go for jogs and walks.

Before I adopt I want to make sure the dog will get along with our dog. I also specifically want a female and a rescue, I don’t mind breed too much but ofc when looking I will definitely take that into account. My parents are open to me getting a dog but there is a lot of doubt on whether I will have enough time to look after it. Money isn’t a problem for me at the moment. My parents as I said are just worried I might lack the time to look after it. And my mum has bought up that she wants to be able to leave my dog home (if I get one ofc) and take out dog that we have already on a walk during the day without having any hassle and having my dog get jealous.

She doesn’t want to be walking two dogs which I totally understand. So basically I want to know if you think I’m ready to own my own dog, whether I should wait. Feel free to ask questions I’ll do my best to reply.
So to start off I’m 18F, and I know what your probably thinking already but hear me out. At the moment I’m working 4 days a week during December (definitely) to feb (not a hundred percent sure yet) I will be working 5 days a week, when I hit March I’ll be back to working 4 days a week. At the moment I’m getting paid $21 an hour and work 9 hours during the week and 8.5 if I work weekend days. I get paid monthly which I like because I’m able to budget for the month. I still live with my parents but pay $400 board a month which helps pay for food etc. we own a dog already she is about 5 years old and I love her, however a lot of the time when I go for a walk or more specifically jog, I can’t take her as she’s already been for two long walks and a jog will be over doing it for her which is part of the reason I’m wanting to adopt my own dog.

We own some cats, I personally look after one which we had to adopt from our neglectful neighbours who left her and moved out. I also own 4 goldfish which are also my own so I’m not inexperienced with responsibility. I know what I’m looking for in a dog, I want a medium sized dog who gets along with cats, other dogs and has enough energy to go for jogs and walks.

Before I adopt I want to make sure the dog will get along with our dog. I also specifically want a female and a rescue, I don’t mind breed too much but ofc when looking I will definitely take that into account. My parents are open to me getting a dog but there is a lot of doubt on whether I will have enough time to look after it. Money isn’t a problem for me at the moment. My parents as I said are just worried I might lack the time to look after it. And my mum has bought up that she wants to be able to leave my dog home (if I get one ofc) and take out dog that we have already on a walk during the day without having any hassle and having my dog get jealous.

She doesn’t want to be walking two dogs which I totally understand. So basically I want to know if you think I’m ready to own my own dog, whether I should wait. Feel free to ask questions I’ll do my best to reply.

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@aya74 You’re out for 9 hours a week, or is there extra commute time? How long is each shift?

Chances are with a rescue you won’t get a puppy, so those hours are actually be perfect for someone who’s already housebroken. You don’t need to be home 24/7 with a dog, even a new one, I’d say you need 6-8 hours a day with a new dog and 5-6 for an older dog.
@davemora57 So weekdays would be 9 hours a day with 30 minutes commute time (15 there and 15 back) and weekends 8.5 a day with same commute time. I was hoping to get a 1-2 year old rather then a puppy
@aya74 I’d think that would be enough time, maybe if you taken the next several weekends off to spend time with them. The only issue would be that they’d probably need a midday walk, do you have someone who’d be able to come halfway through your shift and take them out?
@davemora57 Yeah that would definitely be something to think about, thank you. Do you think I would need to do a midday walk if I planned on doing either a jog or walk in the morning and a walk in the evening?

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