Sudden horribly destructive separation anxiety


New member
Hey guys. This is gonna be a long post but its for context. tl;dr provided.
ive had my dog for about 4.5 years now. Shes 5 now (turning 6 this year)
She is a rescue husky x great dane x lab mix, and before yall say "you need to give her exercise!!" i most definitely do, i take her ti the park regularly, for walks, and give her playtime/enrichment.
So, Maya has always had separation anxiety, but in my old house she would just have anxiety accidents and initially she tried to be destructive but it wasnt anything serious.
I tried crate training, she absolutely would NOT have it and she would continously try to hurt herself by gnawing the gate and eventually she broke out. I tried many things to slowly introduce her and make it feel like a safe space, and she just was not having it.
So i used this desensitization method where you say something (i say "i'll be back") and leave for a minute, come back, then repeat for longer periods of time so she understand that what i say means im gonna come back.

So that worked!
It was very annoying and tedious but it worked. and she was fine. She was also fine when we moved to a different house. She just carried on like normal. No accidents, no destruction. still anxious, but she was fine.
As long as she was looking out a window for me. My mom told me all she did was look out the window til i came home, go to her bed for a bit, and repeat.
I didn't think that the window was so important for her. But it is, clearly.
I moved out of my parents house with my bf and we live in a basement apartment (expensive city, its all we can afford. its a 1 bedroom apt)
I thought she'd be fine since she was fine the other time.
Yeah... It's like all my training went out the window and she is just worse than ive ever seen before. She tore up parts of 2 door frames. There is a basement type window that she gets up on the couch to reach, she tore up the bottom window frame and now like part of the literal wall. She was biting the literal window and she somehow tore it free from the lock and like opened it in the emergency feature way (like??? how) and got out into the backyard (in the rain obviously) so now theres teeth marks on the window frame.
Tried leaving her in my room instead and thats how the 2nd door frame got f'd.

Im just tired. I dont think theres a solution. Its been 6 months. its just getting worse.
i cant leave her alone by herself, which just makes her anxiety worse, and i cant afford to bring her to daycare. Like how can i live my life if i cant even leave her alone for 15 minutes???
She is also not food motivated or toy motivated. i trained her with praise a reward bc thats all that worked. She will not eat or drink when im gone.

I feel like my only solution is to just get a new place with an accessible window that she can look out of. But its impossible to find an affordable place here.

Any help would be appreciated... im at my wits end.

my dog used to have separation anxiety, trained it out of her, we moved and she was still fine. She needs a window to look out of. I didn't know this so i moved out into a basement apt which is all i can afford atm. all the training went out the window and shes extremely destructive and i cannot train it out no matter how hard i try.
@saintv Can you place a mirror, so it reflects the window? Like a false window?

I have very few windows in my home, so I leave YouTube running for my guys. There's whole channels that make Dog Relaxation videos. Hours of forest shots, and chill music. You could also try that.
@metalgreymon I've got this on for my dogs right now, im not sure if it helps them tbh but the music drowns some of the sounds from outside that they bark at (people talking, cars pulling up in our drive etc)
@saintv If her anxiety is so bad that she is literally eating walls and door frames I would take her to the vet. She may need to be medicated or if you want to try something more natural, Cbd has been working wonders for our pups and their anxiety. You may have to retrain her with the desensitizing training as this is a whole new place and she is not comfortable or safe her. She doesn’t know you’re coming home because you moved now and this is a whole new place to her. She may just need a reminder that you will always come back by resuming the training.
@helenalindberg I did try again with the training and she just isnt having it unfortunately :/ that is a good idea though.. I think cbd might be the only option for us at this point, do you have a brand you recommend??
@saintv Cbdmed is the one we have used before. They have cracker like treats and I believe they’re 5mg per treat and you can google how many milligrams per weight. I think it’s 2mg per 10 pounds but I would google to be sure.
@saintv I'm sorry you have to go through this. For the both of you. Ik sometimes it can be expensive to find an affordable apartment that accepts big dogs. I don't really have any helpful ideas but I just want to say that I'm sorry you have to go through this.