Rescue dog is showing aggressive behavior all of a sudden, help :(

@kreke Over the board zoomies? Tf? The dog is literally trying to chew his way threw her arm. This isnt a cutesy phrase moment its her life at stake if the dog is maybe testing the waters. So far its enjoying it because it does it for hours. It needs to go not be treated like some cute situation.
@alex2017 I would take him to the vet first to rule out any medical issues since this seems to be such a sudden switch and that is definitely not normal behavior. Is there anything you know about his past from the shelter? How does he do with your boyfriend when you are not there?
@lambofgodgirly Yeah we are going to take him to the vet- the first week we got him we left him alone uncrated to see how he would do and he ate a lot of stuff he shouldn’t have so I rushed him to urgent care and they did an ultrasound and said he would be okay and gave us meds. A week later I thought he ate one of my belly rings but I’m not sure. I can’t find it anywhere but I didn’t see him eat it so I’m just guessing. I called two different vets and they said he should pass it no problem but that I could induce vomiting to see if anything came up. I induced vomiting and didn’t see anything and this was about 3 weeks ago. He was fine for a while but no this behavior has come about.
@akajshdj I totally agree, which is why I don't report. However as they have a fairly specific agenda I don't feel bad making that agenda evident. An inexperienced poster may not know why all these similar posts come up all of a sudden but can go over there and make their own judgements about the character and positions of the posters making these statements.
@alex2017 From what you described this dog had had more “play time” with dogs than people. In my experience dogs need to learn that that can’t bite and play with people the same way they do with the dogs. Bite pressure and jumping are the main 2 to address for most dogs. Lots of bully breeds have a warning nip that’s too strong and hurts.

A trick we use on our dogs is let them “clean” the rib bones after we eat them. Once you’re done eating, take the rib bowl and ask them if they want to a some ribs. Hold the bone like corn on the cob and let the dog pick the meat off. If they get too excited or nip your finger pull back and say your “no” command-let them know you don’t like that behavior. Then resume when gentle. Has worked well for getting dogs to eat gently and just general bonding. Only problem I’ve found is they smell them every time and always expect the routine. But it’s fun and helps a lot.