Success- Yellow leash tags


New member
My dog is reactive to dogs, strangers, small animals, cars, bicycles, sometimes all of reality... He's making huge progress; on his good days you wouldn't know he's a reactive dog unless you knew what to look for. But but he he still has bad days. Sometimes those bad days are VERY BAD (i.e. a leaf blowing in the wind triggers a full on melt down).

I, like all of us, have had many frustrating encounters with off leash dogs, people coming too close, people trying to touch him, etc.

One week ago I put yellow tags on both our regular 6 ft leash, and our long 30 ft leash. They say "ANXIOUS- IN TRAINING" and "NERVOUS RESCUE".

So far it has worked really really well! Dog owners have been noticing and giving us space. Humans have stayed further away. A few times dog owners have called out from a distance to coordinate how we can move past each other. One guy and his dog came into the empty park we were in and called out "I was planning to let her off leash, but she will come over to say hello. Want me to keep her on lead for now?". Once my dog was curious about someone and wanted to go say hello (he sometimes wants to sniff and explore, but never wants to be pet). The person asked me if I wanted to let him approach, and asked how they could act that would be helpful. My dog got a positive interaction with a stranger!

I'm feeling very encouraged by all of these lovely, respectful interactions. People care! They want to help! All those times I felt like it was obvious to the whole world that were struggling, and they were indifferent or hostile- not so! Most of the time, they probably just didn't realize we were having a private little crisis in the corner of the park.

I still strongly believe that the standard should be that dog owners never allow their off leash dogs to approach leashed dogs without communicating first, and people should always ask before approaching/ touching a dog. We shouldn't need yellow tags for this basic etiquette/ safety protocal. But it is nice to know that when other people have a clear signal that we need space, lots of them respect it! (at least that's my experience so far). Maybe a lot of the bad experiences we've had were caused more by ignorance than by malice.

Long story short- I LOVE the yellow tags. My dog loves the increased space from triggers. I recommend it!

Here are the tags I bought:,aps,167&sr=8-10,aps,167&sr=8-7
@jessemini14 I have a collar that says DO NOT PET. I just about cried when (on our first time using it in a store) I heard a mom explain to her child that “oh, that dog has a collar that says don’t pet, so we won’t ask her. We don’t get to pet every dog, just some of them.”

Yay for advocating for our buddies!
@medo I love the parents who model good pet behavior for their kids. My older dog passed away during June 2020, and my younger dog developed a lot of anxiety from all the changes that year. I work in memory care, and he used to "work" with me. We're still working on alleviating the anxiety he developed that year, but it's been a lot of ups and downs.

My younger dog is a pug/jack russell mix and still looks like a puppy in spite of being almost 10. The majority of parents in my neighborhood are really good about reminding their kids to ask permission before they approach.

One of the kids must have been 4-5ish and looked like she was about to have a meltdown when her mom said, "Do you remember how it feels when people you don't really know want to hug you or won't leave you alone? This puppy doesn't know you, and maybe he feels like that too." It stopped the tantrum, and after that, she would just wave if they were outside when we passed by.
@imagebeastmarkbeast I have one for my girl that reads, "Nervous Rescue: I Need Space." We've lived in our neighborhood long enough that everyone knows, so we only use it in new places and on road trips. I think other people are more patient because I'm acknowledging she has issues, and we are working on it. I'm obviously not ignoring anything or letting her get away with bad behavior, and I'm letting people know what's up. I've only had positive reactions when we walk with the sleeve
@jessemini14 I have a "rescue in training" tag for my boy. A lot of people do pay attention and give us space, we definitely notice a difference when he's wearing his tag.

Really glad this is working for you, I recommend it 100%.

We do still get people ignoring it ofc like the guy a couple of days ago who decided that instead of passing us he would use my reactive 45kg dog as a training opportunity for his puppy and just make her sit and loudly praise and give treats while I literally dragged my dog past him......gotta love people sometimes. The vast majority do pay attention though

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