So you got a puppy... The weeks after Christmas Edition..

@sallama This asshole keeps pissing in the house... I take him out 3-12 times per day depending on if he goes the first time.

I've tried rewarding him when he goes, and when he doesn't I take him inside and out him in his crate for 45min then take him back out. This doesn't work.

He was about to pee in the house, I stopped him with a firm Hey. Then took him outside. He didn't go. We came back in, put him in the crate then took him about again after 45min. Still didn't go. I repeated this 5 times, fed him and gave him water. Still won't go.

A friend comes over and we go outside to meet him and he fucking pees on my friend wtf? I'm so, frustrated and I need help.
@sallama We aren't but was told by a trainer to use the crate as a tool for potty training. I wfh so he roams the apartment after a successful bathroom trip.
@docmrm In the wiki look at the ultimate crate training guide. It's a great place to start.

I'm going to be real with you when it comes to dog training there is rarely a quick and easy solution. So aa frustrated as you are, the pup isn't doing things with malicious intent.

You hold the keys to the schedule and to the world around your pup.

I find crate training to work wonders in conjunction with potty training.
@sallama Howdy!

Thanks for this post, it's extremely resourceful and has helped with a bunch of stuff!

Question time for those who are able:

I have a 9 week old Cockapoo pup, she is a lovely, she's called Mabel - she is now sleeping through the night albeit getting up once or twice for a trip in the garden. I've found that after a long night on her own she is extremely excited in the mornings when my family gets up she tends to bark more than usual.

Is this something I should be concerned about? I've put it down to her being so excited that she cannot control her barking and wants to be played with - later in the day, after her lunch time feed she is way more chilled out than in the morning.
@joeparis123 Dogs are naturally crepuscular, so they'll be more active in the morning and evening. She could be a barker, so it may be worth your while to train "Speak" and "Quiet" to save yourself some headaches.

Also, ignore her when/if she demand barks and train the wait command. My puppy demand barked a lot during the first few weeks, but now she sits nice and quietly for anything and only barks during play or when she is alerting. She is almost a year old.
@sallama Where do I start the puppy? Just got one with my wife. A goldendoodle. It’s 6 weeks old. The breeder free fed (something i’m new to).

I grew up with dogs and had various kinds but it’s been a while and there are cobwebs. What’s the new, or same old approaches? What’s first potty training? Crate training?

I’m like a beginner again and am looking for a solid how-to. Also curious as to whether at 6-weeks old the puppy is old enough to begin concerted training or if we should wait?
@kd5nrh Are you sure it's 6 weeks? Pups should be 8 weeks old to be separated from litter. In many places separating them earlier than that is against the law. Please contact your breeder and review the wiki for answers to your questions.
@sallama Wait really? I did not know that. I will reach out later.

If that is the case what do I do then? The puppy is in my home now and fees have been paid? I’m familiar with dogs but don’t want to a) cause any legal trouble for anyone or b) risk my puppy’s health in any way.
@sallama Hello, not a first time dog owner but it's been 10 years since we had a dog, over 15 since taking care of a puppy. Our new mini goldendoodle seems to be adjusting okay at home, today will be the ninth day with us and she is 9 weeks old. One thing that has been persistent is that her poops have been the consistency of soft serve ice cream. We've been keeping her exclusively on the food that the breeder gave us, no other treats, food etc. Couple of accidents in the house (as expected) but in general seems to be able to hold it and let us know when it's time to take her outside. She does it about 3-4 times a day usually soon after a meal. Doesn't seem to have any other stomach issues, no pain, no fever, etc. Just a case of adjusting puppy diarrhea that hopefully should clear itself out soon? Thanks!

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