So upset, why don't owners listen?


New member
I groomed this gorgeous girl and their other dog for around 7 years. They started off getting them groomed every 4-6 weeks and then they had kids.

The dogs were put outside, fed terrible cheap rubbish and grooming was pushed back 3-4 months, I only continued to groom them as I loved the dogs so much. She was the only schnauzer that didn't try kill me when she was being groomed.

I had been telling the owners for years they needed a dental check and this one desperately needed to lose weight, I researched food for them and gave so much advice. I last groomed them early last year (stopped grooming due to injury), and she weighed around 16kg (35lb).

Owners messaged me yesterday to say she passed away from a suspected heart attack.

All photos except for the last one are from her last groom with me last year, the last photo is from 2019 before they had kids :(
@tyronasmith You are likely correct. Think of how you did the absolute best for the fellah. He had a better life because of you. A groomer has a terrible
Burden to bear that should not exist. You can’t control how owners treat their pets. Again. You did everything right.
@tyronasmith I don’t know how it is with dogs but IIRC correct they found a correlation between poor dental hygiene and cardiovascular diseases in humans. Either way I’m sorry you had to witness that, even if somewhat removed from it.
@tyronasmith I appreciate you responding. I’ve always wanted a dog but I don’t have the time at this point in my life, and I live alone and travel a fair amount, so I’ve been trying to learn as much as I can about dogs in the next year or two to prepare to adopt one.
@chaz1821 You are doing the right thing by doing your research and not committing to one until you know you are ready. I applaud you for this :)

I will never be able to travel (at least while I have my 2 current monsters), one has severe separation anxiety so could never leave him with anyone else, and the other is a creature of habit and I know she will be too worried staying somewhere else.
@tyronasmith Yeah, I feel like I could own a dog and travel sporadically bc people with dogs do that and I have close friends that are dog owners and would take great care of it, but there are still some long term trips I want to take for work and I don’t think it’d be fair to leave a dog for that long.
@chaz1821 I am an LVT and can tell you that dental health is extremely important in not only people, but your pets as well. Not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, ferrets etc. At zoos they even do dentals.
@tyronasmith I'm so sorry. It's hard to explain to people how much it hurts losing a dog that "wasn't yours" (in the traditional sense).

You were one of her people though and she liked seeing and being with you. Good for you trying to get her proper care, it's unethical when people don't advocate for animals. You're a good person for doing it.

(On a lighter note - I think I have something in my blood that 99% of terriers don't like me, you have me thinking because they're great for some people but not so much others.)
@harlonbc Thank you so much. I wass trying to explain it to my brother and why I give my dogs the best of everything.

I swear out of maybe 10 schnauzers that I groomed, she was the only one that never tried to bite me.

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