So upset, why don't owners listen?


New member
I groomed this gorgeous girl and their other dog for around 7 years. They started off getting them groomed every 4-6 weeks and then they had kids.

The dogs were put outside, fed terrible cheap rubbish and grooming was pushed back 3-4 months, I only continued to groom them as I loved the dogs so much. She was the only schnauzer that didn't try kill me when she was being groomed.

I had been telling the owners for years they needed a dental check and this one desperately needed to lose weight, I researched food for them and gave so much advice. I last groomed them early last year (stopped grooming due to injury), and she weighed around 16kg (35lb).

Owners messaged me yesterday to say she passed away from a suspected heart attack.

All photos except for the last one are from her last groom with me last year, the last photo is from 2019 before they had kids :(
@tyronasmith You are likely correct. Think of how you did the absolute best for the fellah. He had a better life because of you. A groomer has a terrible
Burden to bear that should not exist. You can’t control how owners treat their pets. Again. You did everything right.
@tyronasmith I don’t know how it is with dogs but IIRC correct they found a correlation between poor dental hygiene and cardiovascular diseases in humans. Either way I’m sorry you had to witness that, even if somewhat removed from it.

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