So many symptoms


New member
Sliding Hiatal Hernia

My dog has had a series of issues lately
(F, chow/lab/pit mix, 11y/o)
- low grade mast cell removed 1/10
- night coughs (ongoing for 6-8 months)
- labored breathing (since 1/10)
- an episode of syncope (1/19) after labored breathing, coughing, and swollen paw
- swelling paw off and on since 1/10
- kidney levels elevated since 8/2023
- lighter/quieter bark occasionally (last 5 months)

Vets are unsure what caused syncope and swelling paw

Taking her to cardiologist/internist soon

X-rays showed sliding hiatal hernia and arthritis in lower spinal disks

Ideas to consider?
What do I need to know about sliding hiatal hernia?
Trying to solve syncope and swollen paw
🙏any help is appreciated - thank you