Share with me what you LOVE about your reactive dog

@jacob86 I love that the bond we share was hard won and when he curls up against my chest and sighs it’s the absolute best feeling in the world. Also I love his smile when he sees me across a room or the yard.

Edit: I forgot to add he’s learned to sense my heart condition and warns me when an episode is close. He did this all on his own.
@jacob86 I just love my boy. He's so sweet and good natured. He is a gsd husky mix I rescued, or maybe he rescued me.

He loves:

Going on walks-so I get my lazy ass off the couch too

My Mom- I am chopped liver if she is near. He even crawls in her lap to cuddle. He is not a cuddle bug at all. Except for her.

He loves to play fetch, and hide-and-seek. So he is easy to entertain.

He is so glad to see me when I walk through the front door. Even if I am just coming in from taking the trash out.

He grabs my hand, usually to drag me outside to play. But, also because he's excited to show me something.

At the end of the evening, he will curl up next to me, and put his head my lap. That is the extent of his cuddling, and I'll take it. It took months to get him to do that.

He's always game for anything, and I love it. He's definitely a good time Charlie.
@jacob86 My reactive girl is so so funny and sweet, and even though she’s got 20lbs on her older brother, she totally submits to him and recognizes him as top dog. She also loves to follow my husband around as he gardens and steals carrots sometimes :)
@jacob86 -he’s a cockapoo with a docked tail (barely a nub) & when he’s excited he has the cutest butt wiggle

-he has amazing hearing & can be on the other side of the house & hear me open a string cheese; he’s very good motivated (& a guarder) but he will take the piece I give him in the most gentle way

-he has his aggressive moments but if he hears hard rain and/or thunder he jumps up behind me on the bed to wedge himself behind my pillows

-he loves chin/neck scratches & when I stop he paws or nuzzles at me to continue

-he’s my parents’ dog & when my own dog passed unexpectedly (who he wasn’t a fan of), my mom had me let her dogs see/smell him before she took him for cremation & this dog immediately became my shadow buddy 💗
@jacob86 I absolutely love how my 100lb mastiff mix chooses to step in to help me with my health and just acts like a service dog or my personal bodyguard as needed. I honestly hate and love his protectiveness of me because it tells me should something go wrong, he's going to happily tear someone apart for me but I don't ever want him in that position. I just love how he's a big baby in most situations as he only becomes aggressive when he feels I'm in danger or another dog is too close to me(fear aggression) but then he'll turn around and use me as a meat shield when he's scared of something like a vacuum cleaner. With my fiance, he'll first either run away or use him as a meat shield with aggression being last resort and part of the difference between how he handles situations with me vs my fiance is due to the fact that I'm disabled(and therefore more vulnerable in certain ways especially as I'm legally blind) and the fact that Bruno, my furbaby, is aware of it. I also absolutely love the fact that he will give hugs with his fore legs over the shoulders and that he enjoys sharing food with me, when I have food he can have safely
@jacob86 Pretty much everything about her when she is inside the house. She’s still a nightmare outside but all her training has paid off while inside.
  1. In my apartment our neighbors dog bark at any sound while she is super chill.
    2.She loves every person who walks in my house. Very social with the best temperament. I got her when I had a toddler and baby so she’s great with kids.
    1. She’s always down to play or down to nap with me.
  2. She is the cuddliest dog, she lays on my legs like a 50lb weighted blanket to help me sleep.
  3. I think she’s the cutest dog I’ve ever seen but I might be biased.

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