Share with me what you LOVE about your reactive dog

  1. I know it's not great behavior, but sometimes my dog will pick up the most random stuff to get a reaction out of me if I'm occupied doing something. Hairbrush, roll of toilet paper, oven mitt, dish towel, scrunchie, box of tampons. She just walks in and stares at me
  2. I'm a first responder, so coming home from a long shift to my dog greeting me at the door with a toy, butt wiggles, and zoomies in the best
@bmh3d Lol my dog likes to pick up random pieces of paper or plastic that missed the trash can and won’t give it unless we exchange for a treat 😆
@bmh3d My dog does this too!! His is socks. He knows I'll say "Where did you get those socks?!" In a dramatic voice, so I'm convinced he does it when I'm not paying attention, just to get my attention 😂
@jacob86 1) best cuddles, and so so much love

2) i have not been creeped on or followed on a run in 8 years, except once and he scuttled away pretty fast from her deep growl.

3) lots of excuses to not go places I don’t want to “oh no… I can’t come to family christmas because idk what i would do with my dog”

3) best adventure buddy. She trained for a 50k for me

4) Made me realize how insane dog parks are

5) Made me realize that dogs don’t need dog friends outside of the household

6) Their sensitivity makes me a better wife. I can’t argue or raise my voice because god forbid i upset their butter soft feelings

7) I spend more time training because i have to. Im convinced they’re better behaved dogs than most in their own way
@mauricio512 Seconding the training. My girl has required a lot of work but she's willing to work as hard as I do and takes so much pride in her training accomplishments. She's taught me so much.
@jacob86 I LOVE this positive thread.
1. I know he’s leash and barrier reactive, but I also LOVE that he’s brave when big dogs are barking at him or strange people are near
  1. I LOVE that he’s food motivated…just like his mama
  2. I love that he’s not aggressive
  3. I LOVE his huge smile and goofy personality. That he’s HAPPY at home
  4. I LOVE when he goes crazy playing with his obnoxiously loud rubber chicken toy
  5. I LOVE that he’s smart AND thinks about things/decides whether he will comply
  6. I LOVE that he so sweet and affectionate with people who come to the house and REALLY SUPER DUPER sweet with people who really love dogs
  7. I love his loving eyes just admiring you and his sweet, sweet face
  8. I LOVE that he thinks all Amazon packages are his (he’s 99% right)
  9. I LOVE that he let me sing you are my sunshine to him at bedtime
  10. I love that he lets me brush his fur and teeth, wipe his face and clean his ears
  11. I love that the vet staff and groomer loves him as much as I do
  12. I love when he uses his little head or snout to move my arm so o can hug him lol
  13. I LOVE that he won over my Elderly Dad and made out family complete
That’s the short list 😂🤦🏽‍♀️

And yes he has TAUGHT me so so much!! And I love that he brought me to this wonderful group of people!
@alexrcraig I feel like positivity is so needed for reactive dogs. My girl actually is similar to your pup, she also thinks all packages and any presents are for her 😂 she’s also super affectionate to anyone who gives her even just a little bit of attention 🤣
@jacob86 😂 YESSSSS! And it’s noticing and appreciating this good stuff that makes dealing with the not so fun stuff bearable (he was barking his head off as I typed this btw lol). And I want my home to be a place of happiness as much as possible so if this relationship is making either of us scared or miserable it’s not right for either of us (I respect the others on this sub who can deal with so much and STILL be positive).

As to the little bit of attention, yess 💯 and add some cheese or a milk bone OMG you got a friend for life. I don’t give him milkbones, but my across the hall neighbor who he used to bark at does and O.M.G. The whole body wags, the little whines, the full on cute greeting makes me side eye 😒 my pup! I’m sure he would jump in his van if he offered him those MB’s! 😂😂😂
@jacob86 My reactive dog died three weeks ago but I can honestly say I loved everything about him. Like OP, his reactivity completely changed my understanding of dogs - in a good way. He changed my life.
@jacob86 My reactive boy is so incredibly loyal and also one of the all time cutest dogs. He will alert me to any threat which helped out so much with my previous living situation, I had a stalker, he no longer has any clue where I am thankfully. he usually will behave when I really need him to, and he trusts me fully. He's also a big cuddlebug. He also just leans against me and fully trusts me and I love it so much. If something is wrong with me or anyone else he's close to he will make sure they're ok, my friend's grandmother passed last month and he was so loving twords my friend

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