Severe matting

I would try to find a private salon that would be willing to work with you I would explain the situation and definitely sell some of your stuff if you have too. A shave down is the only way and I would stop brushing out the mats ASAP because you’re causing her more pain by pulling on the mats, which are already painful as is and already tugging and pulling her skin. I hope you can find a groomer who will be willing to do it for cheap and wave the dematting fees once you explain the situation
@flynn she needs to be shaved 100%. take her to a groomer or you will be injuring her and spending WAY more on a vet. I promise she is in a lot of discomfort based off of your description of her condition right now. She needs shaved.
@flynn Please take to a professional when Matt’s are close to the skin the risk of injury increases severely even if your pup is completely still
@flynn If you are set on brushing her out, get some cornstarch from the grocery store. It is extremely inexpensive. Then sprinkle it on your dog's fur and rub it into the mats really well. Let it sit for a few minutes then try brushing. It might be good to set your dog on a towel so the cornstarch doesn't get all over everywhere. The corn starch will help with the matting and also sooth irritated skin. Kudos to you for wanting to take care of your dog the best you can.
@flynn Do you have a set of personal shavers? Grab those and shave off the matted spots. She may look funny but her skin will be able to breathe and it will grow back. Just go slow with them. Many of my clients do their own haircuts and can only bring them a couple times a year to me.
@flynn Put a metal comb between the mat and skin. Use a sharp knife or shears to carefully split the mat from skin out to end into smaller and smaller sections. Then use a progressively finer comb to comb sections out.
@ftesseneer I’ve been grooming a long time and absolutely DO NOT do this. That’s a good way to cut your dog wide open. Also, if the matting is that severe it’s better to just shave them down and start fresh. You’ll put the dog through a lot of unnecessary pain trying to demat something like that.