Redirecting g herding instincts in a 2 year old Ausky?


New member
Our 2 year old shelter rescued Ausky (Harley ((Quinn))) is usually really good in regards to her herding instincts. We have had her for around 10 months now.. We have two cats and though she loves to follow them around, she doesn't try to herd them much. When we see it starting to happen we redirect her attention back to us before it can become a thing. It's more that she wants to interact and play with them. Thankfully, they're all about it.

My husband rides observed motorcycle trials. These are relatively slow speed off road dirt bikes. At the events there are always a lot of dogs around so participants are used to having dogs everywhere.

Harley can become reactive at times when at these highly stimulating events. It's understandable as there are motor bikes and lots of people and other dogs. We never have her off leash at these events.

Sometimes she will go after riders feet when they ride close by. When I have her with me and on leash, I am always trying to pay close attention to her mannerisms to see if she is about to lurch and bark at a passing rider. She doesn't do it to every rider, every time. She will be fine sometimes and then sometimes it's like a light switch is flipped. It seems to only be a select few people that she will do it to consistently (2 folks specifically and we know they have dogs at home, maybe it's a smell?)

I'm pretty sure some of it is sensory overload. When I start to notice her getting more agitated I will take her back to our truck with a camper shell, and put her in her kennel in the bed of the truck. We usually park away from everyone so as to give her (and us) a more isolated, quiet place to retreat and reduce stimulation.

When I am out with her at the event I have her on a slip lead and have treats. When she is predictable with her body posture and I can see the drive starting to kick in, I will redirect her attention to me and reward her. This last time we were out she actually laid down and napped, stretched out, at one of the sections, so I guess that's a good sign?

As I am a trail runner, many times I will take her out for a run at these events. I go to areas where the bikes aren't riding. She absolutely loves going on runs with me and will get all kinds of excited when she knows it's that time. Sometimes I will take her out for a run in the morning, at the event, before having her around others. Most of the time I will jog between the sections (a loop can have 8-10 sections and can be a few miles long) with her. My thought is that she is getting to work out some of the energy, and anxiety, and see the bikes pass by. I will usually step off to the side when the bikes come by. If I have enough warning, I have her sit and focus on me and the treat I'm going to reward her with.

Is there anything more I can focus on to help her in this environment? I realize this is a highly stimulating environment. She does NOT get reactive with the other dogs out there.