Reasons why I’m the asshole in my adolescent dog’s eyes today

@joyfulnectar Lmaooo 🤣🤣🤣 Watching my pup try to catch mosquitoes or any small flies is hilarious eventually he loses track and gives up! Lol. I’ll make him catch ants though and he will help my fears. Idk if that’s safe to let him eat ants or spiders but yeah he’s my protector 🤣🤣🤣
@hisbody mine threw a tantrum this morning because she is now big enough to open the kitchen bin herself & get in it (yay for me), & i keep telling her no. now she's just laid near the bin crying, despite having a bowlful of food, water and treats. life is so hard.
@lookmealways Child proof plastic locks are great for this! I don't use them for the kitchen bin, but I use a couple for my dirty laundry hamper and it's the best $10 investment I ever made lol (and I still have some leftover locks in case I need them)
@hisbody i would give anything to have a puppy cry or fuss in annoyance, my husky mix just screams at me 🫠 i don’t feed her quickly enough? banshee screams. i don’t take her for a walk first thing after waking? incessant barking two inches from my face. her brother won’t play with her? screams straight from the depths of hell

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