How’s everyone w an adolescent puppy doing?

@abugah My saint bernard turns 10 months on Friday. He's finally not mouthing for attention so much. Hoping the chewing/stealing stops soon, as well as the going between my legs and knocking me over game 😂
@abugah So my dog is almost 7 months old border collie.
She’s better at loose leash walking, she can spend time alone, she’s learning to let go of things she wants (work in progress obviously).

BUT! She decided to stop and lay down EVERYTIME I want her to move on when we’re on a walk, she no longer respond to her call back, she’s afraid of practically everything so she growls and barks every now and again, and she bites… my god she bites a lot!
Thank god she’s a lot more chill and relax than a month ago, and she wants a lot more cuddles than before 😂
@abugah My 11 month old Stabby Houn turned from a tiger terrorist into a total couch potato in the last 1 or 2 months. She's calm inside and very energetic outside. She's always been mega smart but now she seems to understand more when I trust her with something. It's been a huge transformation and a reward for me after the pretty intens months of biting, jumping, etc.
@abugah 9 month male poodle

Pro: he's still cute and sweet. He cuddles now. He hasn't had a potty accident in 5 months. He's great with adults, children, and other dogs. Having visitors over is no issue. He settles down for naps on the couch now and doesn't really need the pen anymore. We finally found some food and treats he likes (poodle problems). We love him.

Con: hyped, major fomo, and seperation anxiety. He cannot wait for anything or sit still outdoors for more than 2 seconds - immediately crying. We trained restaurants and patios extensively, now he'll just whine for 45 minutes straight because it's boring. At doggy class he's happy to do excercises but immediately starts crying and trying to escape when he's supposed to lie on his mat and wait. He just wants to play with the other dogs. Separation Anxiety has also been a major issue. At 7 months he regressed from 2.5 hours alone time to loosing it at 10 seconds. We are working with a separation anxiety trainer and will try meds if we don't see progress as we literally cannot leave the house right now.
@abugah He hasn’t changed much. Still runs insanely everywhere doesn’t nap barely. Still goes insane. Still has way too much energy for me and also won’t listen.
@abugah See mine never did that. Hes always just stayed awake. Even when he was neutered on meds he wouldn’t sleep. I never got the 20 hours of sleep cause its only now he sleeps at all