Reasons why I’m the asshole in my adolescent dog’s eyes today


New member
  • I only walked her for 3 1/2 km this morning when she would have loved to do 3 more
  • I didn’t let her crawl under a stranger’s car
  • I didn’t let her crawl through the bushes into a stranger’s garden
  • I had to audacity to stop playing with her after 30 minutes of noon-playtime
  • I didn’t let her eat cherry pits
  • I also didn’t let her eat cat poop
  • I brushed behind her ears to remove an uncomfortable little knot (someone call PETA this is abuse)
  • I finished my own lunch before giving her hers (she could have starved because she wasn’t allowed to eat cat poop earlier!)
I’m sure I’ll do more mean things to her before the day is over. What have you done to annoy your puppy today?
@hisbody Mine chews his bone right over the side of the couch, proceeds to drop it every single time and then cries like a baby when I won’t pick it up for him!
@gaelsbee My Domino boi waits for me to pick up his chews as well 🤣 I’m like dude if you wanted to play fetch all you had to do was grab your tug rope or ball but he insists on wanting to play short fetch with his bully sticks 🤣🤣 like dude why
@cwang2680 It was actually Encanto merchandise from The Disney Store! I bought it for myself because I love capybaras but my girl took ownership. She carries it everywhere and sleeps with it every night 🥺

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