Puppy walking in C shape since grooming

@johnbiggs The matting was definitely extremely tight and painful. After shaving a dog super close to the skin like that, she must feel exposed and insecure, along with pain, now that her skin can breathe. I hope this is a lesson to you to brush your dog.
@shadowenoch If you read the post again, you’ll see that i never blamed the groomer, i know it was my/our fault that we didnt brush her enough. We are definitely going to brush her now everyday.
@johnbiggs I know you didnt put the blame on your groomer, I was referring to you. Why didn't you start brushing her from the get-go? It makes no sense to get a curly coated dog and not brush them.
@johnbiggs i would say she’s just feeling uncomfortable now that the matting is gone bc she isn’t used to being without it. she should be fine in a few days once the hair starts growing back and definitely make sure you are brushing and combing her and getting her groomed regularly. dogs also feed off of your energy so if you guys are super worried about this and acting different towards her she is going to keep acting this way. I would just give it some time
@johnbiggs If you follow around the dog freaking out and babying her, it is just going to encourage the behavior because behavior=attention. Puppies are very impressionable. Just ignore it and she will most likely stop. You were there so you saw she wasn’t injured. She’s very new to life. New sensations are confusing to puppies. Air wasn’t touching her skin before and now she is very short so it feels weird. She will get used to it. Could very well also be her tail looking/feeling different. Once again, she will get used to it. New pet parents really need to understand these are DOGS!
@johnbiggs Can I suggest reaching out to your groomer and asking about puppy visits. It’s what I did with mine to get her used to going. It’s typically not a full groom so pricing was discounted
@johnbiggs my puppy did this after her 1st SHORT cut (shih tzu). Her tail curled up and touched her back. It was like... MOM SOMETHING IS TICKLING MY BACK OH WAIT ITS MY TAIL. Few days out, she got used to it and stopped walking like that.
@edwinoel Hi, the “dad” here - mums phone died.. soo this all just started after grooming. And yes her back is a bit arched and when she walks her back is like sideways so if you watching from above she looks like a C or maybe more like an L. Her back literally faces sideways. Can I upload a video here? Let me show you guys.
@jerlvster I’m so sorry to be the one to tell y’all this…but it really sounds like y’all bought an unhealthy dog and you just couldn’t tell because all the fluff. it sounds like shaving revealed the issues that were already there because there is nothing a groomer could do that could make what you’re describing happen.
@edwinoel He posted a video that has since been removed. The dog is clamping her tail and scooching her bum like she doesn't like the feeling of the sani. The spine isn't arched upwards like a C, she's just curling to the side with her tail.
@edwinoel She wasnt moving like this at all, and wasnt crying either. Maybe we just trying to connect it to something less bad, but shes been with us for like 6 weeks now, this is only going on for like the past 3 days - since the grooming.
@jerlvster Overthinking and overreacting will actually make the dog more anxious. Act normally. It definitely is that she just doesn't like the air, doesn't like the close shave. Will be gone once a but of hair grows back about 10 days
@johnbiggs Sounds like she had matting and now she’s just overreacting. Don’t pick her up and baby her because you will encourage this behavior. Keep her brushed, get her used to being handled.