Puppy vaccination U.K


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I’m really looking for educated advice, I have a Fell Terrier puppy of 12 weeks tomorrow 18th Feb he had his 2nd Jabs on the 13th, vet is saying I need to wait 2 weeks! Personally I feel in 2 weeks time all socialisation is totally out the window and I have a hard work dog for life, maybe this is why there are so many snappy nasty dogs around? This seems non sense to me, my kids come in the house with muddy shoes, sit in school with children who have dogs etc, how long do I REALLY have to wait to let my dog actually be a dog and not a prisoner?

Before anyone asks I work from home, dog is played with for HOURS a day, he’s a terrier, he is mega high energy, we’re getting to the point my wife wants him gone because the house is being torn to shreds, can I have an educated answer from a vet or vet tech to how long till I can take him out?!

Thanks in advance
@alcamad Socialization does not mean interacting with other dogs or people. Socializing for puppies means taking them out to watch and learn the world around him. This can be done in a car, in a stroller, or in your arms. Training is also done during this time. If you know fully vaccinated dogs that are well behaved, your puppy can meet them in a safe environment (like your house).

Your puppy will have full immunity two weeks after the final vaccine. This is when they can safely walk in unfamiliar settings.
@ernestcop He gets carried to school everyday, sees cars etc, if you’ve had a terrier from working lines you’ll realise it’s not at all possible to confine a dog like that, a cavapoo maybe, a terrier like this not so much, 2 weeks is the vets cover their arse, I need hard facts as I’m hearing it’s 72hrs to obtain 80%+ immunity. Sadly I don’t know anyone with suitable dogs to meet up with at home, he’s 3.2kg, a 50kg Doberman or a 35kg Pitbull just arnt going to play nice, that’s the option I do need, a young smaller dog to play with m I understand that, but it’s just not an option sadly.

I waited till 14 weeks with my EBT and imo it ruined him, was scared, nervous and undisciplined, I can’t take the risk again.
@alcamad If he’s seeing the environment every day, you’ve been socializing him. Properly socialized large dogs are perfectly fine to meet small breed puppies. He could’ve been enrolled in puppy classes this entire time as well.

Don’t ask for advice if you’re not going to take it. Ignore things you’ve “heard” and trust your vet.
@ernestcop The problem is the vets are coving their backs, as he gets Parvo after 14 days you’d demand it treated for free, even the Manufacturer Canigen says 7 days, not really sure where 2 weeks has come from as I’ve called 5 vets, one said 72hrs, one said 5 days is fine, one said 7 days is plenty, two said 2 weeks lol, I mean there is an actual answer, a real actual factual answer, but Canigen won’t reply to me, somewhere there is this info I just really want it as vets think grain is ok for a dog so I’m not hanging on their every word as they know a lot less than we think in many way.
@alcamad Lmao Grain is perfectly fine and necessary for dogs; a lack of grain is correlated with heart disease. You don’t trust vets and clearly don’t want an educated answer from a veterinary professional. Obviously, you know best.
@ernestcop As said, I’ve spoken to 5 ‘educated’ vets, all have different answers?! They can’t be that educated can they? What you’re saying is some of them are wrong then? How can it be 3 days and then 14 days? Which vet is correct? As you say trust your vet, we’ll all vets have had wildly differing opinions, I agree safety is key, but there is a real answer out there, but vets clearly arnt giving me it as the one that said 3 days was imo the vastly most qualified from a very famous veterinary hospital, that’s my issue. Who to believe, I don’t want to keep my dog in tearing up £000’s of carpet when he doesn’t need to.
@alcamad It's not binary.

There's a bell curve of cover. Some will be 72 hours, some will be 2 weeks. The majority will be somewhere in between.

If you're risk tolerant, go with the low number. If you're risk averse, go with the high number.

Just because you don't understand that immunity isn't "on" or "off" doesn't make vets uneducated. It means you're uneducated.

Ignorance is fine if you do something about it, but if you're going to be foaming at the mouth about "gRaInS ArE bAd, vEts r DuMb!!" maybe don't ask and just do what you want anyway.
@ernestcop Is it lolol, ok, your opinion is void, feed a dog raw look at the difference, grains do not feed a dog, dogs have zero use for grains, but you feed JWB let me guess lol. Do research, DOGS DO NOT NEED COMPEX CARBS! Never have never will, if you think they do that’s on you.
@alcamad If you’re unwilling to listen to your vet, your mind is made up already Socialization comes in many forms, just seeing and hearing new things is what it’s all about. It’s ridiculous to think that having to wait 2 weeks to safely bring your puppy around is going to deem them “snappy and nasty” for life. It’s a dog….

If they get sick, that’s on you. And there’s some nasty stuff out there that will give you a sick/injured dog for life. There’s a reason why your highly qualified veterinary doctor recommended you wait.
@quanvuttc Ok so which vet is most qualified? The one the said 3 days or the one that said 2 weeks? Tell my that, both are vets at very expensive private surgeries, who’s right? You’re the expert?
@alcamad I took my puppy out from day 1 in the car , to the pub , peoples houses etc..just avoided places with lots of dog traffic . I wouldnt put him on the ground in the street or in a park ,
@alcamad Due to the area I live having a lot of water I had to wait 4 weeks after her last jabs as they included one for stagnant water diseases etc. She is a BC and at start yes she was wary when I started taking her out again, however now she loves everyone apart from very young children (we don't come across a lot of them and they're just unpredictable I guess), so try not to worry that their socialisation will be completely gone for waiting those two weeks. What I did was make sure I had friends come into my house and interact with her inside.
@stencil My issue right now is he’s causing thousands of pounds in damages to our home, I’m ok with this, my wife is not, I play with him for at least 3 hours a day, everything that can be done within a house is being done! My real issue is the dog was ‘rescued’ from a bad environment when I went to look at a car, the dog was roaming free at 8 weeks in awful conditions, came full of worms etc, was jabs the next morning at 9am, flea treated, wormed, microchipped and vaccinated within 14 hours, my point is he was very much alive living in seriously awful conditions.

I have an angry wife, a toddler, a child with a broken bloody ankle, and now a massively hyeractive puppy who’s doing nothing at all wrong just being a pup! But I need to get him exhausted and honestly I’ve got cabin fever like I’ve never experienced in my life, feel suffocated, I just want to know what really is the truth on efficacy of these jabs, if needs be I’ll drive him into the wilderness if needs be, I want to be safe but at this point it’s make or break for him with the family and I’ve bonded terrible but everyone’s had enough and I don’t want my family resenting him as it was meant to be a lovely thing and it’s becoming a nightmare.

If there is anyone educated on the true efficacy of these jabs I really want to know as like I say, from my intense research 72hrs seems enough for a second jab, my first ever doge only ever had one jab and went out at 10 weeks, best dog I ever had.
@alcamad Do you give your pup enough rest? I know terrier blah blah high energy, but I have a border collie whippet mix (talk about high energy) and sure, he needed constant monitoring, but not at all so much play. And he hasn’t caused any damage to the house. He only gets this crazy if he is overtired and then the only thing that will help is sleeping. I’d do some training to encourage calmness instead of hyper play.
@alcamad Are you giving him mental enrichment too? Just playing probably isn’t enough to wear him out. He needs lickimats, kongs, puzzle toys etc. When my girl was this age, 10 mins with an enrichment toy would have her conked out for a couple of hours.
@alcamad To combat him causing damage i'd suggest investing in a crate or an expen to contain him in a puppy proof part of the house until hes home alone reliable.
I had a similar issue because my bc puppy came home at 12wks with no jabs, she didnt get out until just after 16wks - first of all what youre doing sounds great, carrying him around and exposing him IS socialisation. You could also use a tv or any speaker that gets particularly loud to socialise him to noises (balloon noises, traffic, train crossings, dogs barking, etc) in the meanwhile. You'll also find that some mental enrichment goes a long way with making them less destructive, look into trick training and freezing kongs/ lick mats (these will also save you when teething starts lmao).
I live in a seaside town in midwales and my girl was a summer baby so i really couldnt take her anywhere because theres dogs EVERYWHERE but my vet told me some local places that had very little dog traffic where the risk of her catching anything was slim (industrial estate and university campus) so you could maybe call the vet and ask if they can give you advice along those lines?
By the way I appreciate ALL comments, tired, very stressed, but I don’t ever mean to come across snappy or rude, I really do appreciate everyone’s help and input massively. I just really would like hard facts from someone in the know as like I say the vets opinions vary wildly it seems, which isn’t at all helping with trust.
@alcamad So I am not a vet, but I happen to work in vaccine development for humans and the reason you are getting varying answers is probably because it varies. Not every individual who is vaccinated, dog or human, will respond to a vaccine in the same way. There is usually a minimum time below which you can definitely say you have not reached the peak immunity (in this case I would say the 72 hours one of the vets told you), and a time after which you would say that all individuals who are not immunocompromised would have reached maximum immunity (in this case I would say 2 weeks that two vets told you), and in between that it's a gamble. None of the vets you spoke to are incorrect, they just all have a different benefit/risk assessment for your dog. If you think the benefits outweigh the risks, take the dog out, but know that there is no 'hard answer' anyone can give you.
@gershom Great info, thank you kindly, it is very helpful and also not, I get what you’re saying, in a high risk area, or just wrong place wrong day, 14 days is a proven working immunity to manufacturer expected specifications, but 3 days in a fit, healthy pup is feasible to get a decent dose of immunity but not what the manufacturer would call optimal. Appreciate the comment

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