Puppy Raising during COVID-19 Information Hub

In light of recent and on-going worldly events, we have post-poned our Wiki Deep Dive for March 2020 in favor of a Hub of information to assist those who may be working from home, in quarantine, or as we should all be, practicing the WHO's guidelines on social distancing and staying home. I would like to point out that we, the modteam, nor our users here are experts on COVID-19 and we urge you to please follow information and precautions located on WHO's webpage on Coronavirus disease 2019 as well as those put in place by federal, state, local governments during this time.

Puppy Class is Cancelled & How to Socialize with Social Distancing​

Unfortunately, as things progress puppy classes, socials, and other puppy and dog centered gatherings will cease to prevent further spread. While this is frustrating this is okay and do-able at home and while still practicing social distancing and/or self quarantine.
  • Fenzi Dog Sports Academy is an online only dog training academy, sadly they are not offering Baby Genuis (their top rated puppy course) this term but they are offering plenty of courses that will give you lots to do with your puppy. There are different tiers available based on how intensive you would like to be, Bronze is view all lessons and discuss with other students; Silver is viewing lessons, get personalized feedback from instructors via video, discussing with others and posting as need; Gold is pretty much just like an in-person course, you get your homework each week with your lessons and you video your pup's progress for your instructor to assist and cheer you guys on.
  • Zak George offers a FREE 30 day online course for puppies via Pupford. He also has loads free content on youtube you can check out if you are not feeling up to committing to a full course, his video series with Inertia has been interesting to watch and can certainly give you pointers on where to start. Edit: He has now uploaded a Covid 19 Specific training video
  • Kikopup also has a large catalouge of free videos on youtube if you're feeling lost, but she recently dropped a massive video all about puppies and watch to teach them and in what order. If that isn't your speed and you want an actual training course, her website Dogmantics offers self-study courses, memberships, videos on demand and even seminars to absorb during this time.
  • While not a puppy course, Do More With Your Dog is a well known resources, and trainer who does online Trick dog titles that can easily transfer to your Kennel Club of choice. Super fun way to pass a good chunk of time and also further your puppies knowledge and bond with you.
  • Ian Dubar's Dunbar Academy also has FREE course collections right from the man who made puppy socials and kindergartens a thing.
  • Socialization. While it may be tricky, socializing while also practicing social distancing is achievable. Socialization =/= Interaction. As we highlight in our wiki article, key words are Positive and Exposure. On top of this there are plenty of ways to socialize without leaving your home, checkout Dr. Yin's Socialization Checklist some of this is as easy as putting on silly hats or outfits and rewarding your puppy.
  • Edit : Follow this link Here for an easy-to-follow, step-by-step At-Home Socialization guide.

I'm now WFH/Quarantined and My Puppy is Driving me INSANE​

While keeping usual schedule is always a good idea, there are times it's not do-able, or you're both having cabin fever, or whatever the reason may be here are sources to help break up the day and make it more enjoyable for you both.
  • Every month since December 2018, our modteam has diligently written up various Enrichment Ideas to assist you. Take a look and see which ones could work for you.
  • /@doks typed up this lovely post well over a year, maybe two years ago for weather related indoor times, their excellent graph will keep you busy for quite a while.
  • Maybe you have some Kongs or other stuffables laying about or while browsing chewy (or amazon, etc) you aren't quite sure what to purchase for your puppy to chew, Our Deep Dive on Kongs, Chews and Puzzles is right up your alley.
  • Are you more rural or suburban and still able to walk your puppy? Maybe your pup is pulling on the walk a bit or you aren't sure how to get the most out of your walk, /@allaloneuk wrote up the Value of Decompression Walks that can help you both clear your head on walks.
  • Perhaps you want to enrich your own knowledge more first before enriching your puppy. We have loads of Book recommendations in our wiki. Some of my own favorite are The Big Book of Tricks for the Best Dog Ever and Canine Enrichment for the Real World both just absolute chef's kiss when it comes to new things I want to do with my own dogs.
  • Edit: Dogwise publishing is offering 6 FREE Ebooks at this time (3/21), which includes a copy of Visiting the Dog Park. I own a hardback copy of this book, I haven't had the time to sit down and read it thoroughly at this time (pssst can you guess what our Wiki post was going to be) due to reading a pretty big novel at the moment (also dog related) but I highly recommend nabbing a copy now because Dog parks are pretty wild and varied so having some tools in your pocket to help you both navigate them safely is very important.

Puppy Vaccinations and Vet Visits​

Routine Vet care may not be available in all areas at this time. The AMVA is fighting to be considered essential in areas were total shut downs of businesses are occurring. We strongly urge you to put in a call to your local clinic(s) to see if your puppy's vaccination schedule will be disrupted and what they recommend you do if so. Some may still be operating on a case-by-case basis, providing curb-side pick up and payment (meaning your pet will go in, not you); but we urge you to phone in. Online pharmacies that provide heartworm/flea/tick preventatives as well as prescribed medications such as Chewy, Amazon, 1-800-PetMeds and the like are still operating per usual but may be backlogged.

Now would be the time to brush up on first aid skills, skim around r/AskVet, and if need be we do have some veterinary resources within our wiki that include basic first aid, common dangers but also online and over the phone vet services.

We hope everyone is holding up well, please use this thread to discuss other concerns with COVID-19 and Puppy Raising as duplicate threads will be deleted if the sub becomes redundant. Thank you.
@imagebeastmarkbeast The good news is that when your puppy first comes home, the first couple weeks are much more about getting the puppy settled, doing things like housetraining and crate training, working on getting the puppy used to gentle handling, teaching the name, doing fun little recalls and just building your relationship. No need to take him anywhere or even go outside your own yard.

If you do want to get him out into the world, carry him around places where he can see people at a distance, hear new sounds, see new things, smell scents on the air, etc.
@allaloneuk Thanks, yeah I am a SAHM so I would have been home anyway, but now I am trapped with my kids. We are counting on puppy love to get us through this coronavirus thing. Thank you for all the advice!
@imagebeastmarkbeast I asked to pick up my 11 week old corgi puppy early tomorrow morning instead of the waiting another week because of the California shelter in place mandate. I hope I can get him! It’s essential to me! 😭
@imagebeastmarkbeast Good morning hope you are all keeping well and that you manged to get your new pup and are having fun and enjoying him/her.

You were probably better placed time wise to fetch yours - got in just before the lock down...we are due to go Monday 6th April to pick up our little one. The breeders vet has given her permission for our pups to go at six weeks due to all this....

we just hope that the police will be tired after this weekend of trying to keep folks from venturing out as duenice weekend!!!

Fingers gross wish us luck.. stay safe Sian xx
@imagebeastmarkbeast I am supposed to pick up my new 8 week old puppy on Friday. Luckily, the “breeder” is my mother-in-law and I’m super comfortable with them/their environment. The down side-the crate we ordered for our puppy has now been delayed and is supposed to come Monday(if it will ever come at all). I’m so worried as we will not be able to crate train immediately and I’m not sure how we’re going to handle this but I’m sure we will get there!!
@shyone64 I am a totally new puppy mom too, but what might work is if you have or can get a separate dog bed, try putting it next to your bed and have him or her sleep there. Or you can put the bed wherever you are planning to put the crate and sleep next to it on the floor. Then when you get the crate, put the dog bed in it, if it will fit. Maybe put a piece of clothing it can sleep with in there too for a familiar smell. No idea how well this would work but it’s an idea. After it’s used to sleeping in there just take the dog bed out and use the crate mat with the smelly piece of clothing.
@seek2bboldwitness Right now the real bummer for me is people hoarding supply’s. Paper towels for accidents and specific puppy foods are getting sold out and that’s a huge strain on my sanity. Hoping the panic dies down soon.
@trapper125 Right! I was planning on switching food but it’s back ordered 6 days. With a puppy eating 3 cups a day I had to run out and buy more of the old stuff just to get us to transition :/
@seek2bboldwitness Hey, here's a silver lining. Everyone who gets mad about all the people coming up to pet their puppies (most of us, at one time or another), you have the perfect reason to tell them to stay away!
@allaloneuk I’ve noticed on walks people are finally keep some distance and it’s helping my puppy check in with me a little more which has been one positive from all this
@allaloneuk My puppy loves people and she wants to meet everyone we come to. People are like her favourite thing in the world, dead serious. She's four months and very polite, sits at their feet, licks their hands, wags her tail. Everyone is avoiding her like the plague now. I know it's good to teach her not to approach strangers and we don't let her do that anyway, I'm sure it won't affect her as she ages and it's a good opportunity to teach her manners. But it still breaks my heart a little.