Positives of Rainy Days With Your Reactive Pup


New member
  1. Hardly anyone else is out so your walk is so much easier
  2. If anyone else is out with their dog they are probably also reactive so they keep their distance
  3. Your dog finally gets a good shower since he’s too big to fit in your tub and no local groomer will day him cuz he has a bad rep
  4. You can maybe drop the long leash in the empty field for a minute and play chase
  5. The weird guy who walks around won’t come near you because your dog , who is doing so much better with humans (as long as there’s no dog), went crazy the one time he came too close
  6. You can drive around and he won’t bark cuz he can’t see very well
  7. You can open your shades and let him look out the window cuz no one is out to bark at
  8. He can go out alone in the backyard because your neighbors yappy reactive dog, who they NEVER control, isn’t outside for once
  9. With the proper gear it can actually be quite nice to walk in the rain with no one around, something you’d probably never do without your crazy dog
So, enjoy the rainy weather!

Hope this could at least add a little cheer to your day. Life with a large reactive dog can be so tiring at times!!
@ecowolf Yesss! My dog and I love a good walk in the rain, for many of these reasons :) I put his raincoat on him and we're good to go. It's nice.
@ecowolf I’ll add number 10. You can walk on that nice trail that you usually avoid because you don’t want to cross paths with anyone, but ain’t no one using it when it’s raining!
@ecowolf Ah 11. Raincoats on dogs are cute.

But seriously, I love walking my dog in the rain. I typically go longer and visit the beach where it’s us and the waves. Sometimes we both end up soaked, but it’s never a bad time. The best are lightly raining and not too chilly.
@ecowolf Hah hah

You are so lucky!

I have a dog who looks so reproachfully at me like it is my fault the sky os leaking and his ears are wet!

Lucky you

Mine is like nah... my bladder is good.. I can hold on with my legs crossed... lets just go back inside

I need to be that kind of dog owner and get him a snood as well as his coat
