rainy days and potty training?

@dallasthomas Same! I had pork yumm sticks (basically a pepperoni stick) and ONLY used it for going out in the rain. She would hang out waiting for me to give it to her and if I would wait in between little bites and eventually she’d potty and we’d go back in!
@stsivo I had the same issue with my puppy refusing to go potty on walks and only doing it in the backyard. I had horrible anxiety about it and thought he’d never get the hang of it. This is how I eventually broke that cycle—

When he goes in the backyard use whatever command you’ve chosen and repeat it over and over again and give praise.

When you go out for walks repeat it the entire time. I swear we went on mile long walks where I just said “go potty” every 30 seconds

Go somewhere fun like a park or friends backyard and do not go home until your dog has gone to the bathroom. My puppy eventually went in my parents large backyard and then again on the sidewalk on our way home. The amount of praise I gave him, you would’ve thought this dog won the lottery.

It eventually just clicked for him but it took a long time to get there. He came home in June and I think around October or November is when the lightbulb finally went off that outside doesn’t just mean his own backyard
@stsivo I agree with taking him out until he goes! You could also try taking him for a walk when you know he needs a poo, e.g. wake him up in the morning, no chat, get him ready & out the door. He’ll definitely go because he needs to!
@stsivo Not sure if this is the right or wrong thing…I’m sure there are puppy peeps that can disagree with this, but it worked for both my pups. We would take them out on a leash and a big golf umbrella. Then walk around with them till the went. I would say the “go potty” command a few times to remind them why we were out there. This worked for the most part. My little guy is scared of everything so as soon as he saw the ground was wet he was like Oh No Thank You! He was a bit tougher. When he refused outright and I was dragging him to go out we changed it up a bit. We have a tiny awning in the back and I would put a pad on the ground under it and again stand with him. If it was really stormy a pad under the front covered patio worked as well. Some days we put the pad inside the house but right at the back door or so at least he was going in the right direction. Whether I’m supposed to or not…I still leave a clean pad at the back door and front door. They have not made a mess on anything thing in the house in probably 6+months. Our little guy now uses a bell to tell us when he needs to go out and he is perfectly fine going in the grass.
@stsivo I forced our girl out in the rain if we had to pick her up to get her out there that’s what happened but fully grown she’s only 20 pounds! Now she loves the rain and snow and will spend twice as much time outside in nasty weather than if it’s sunny and warm unless we put her coat on and then she doesn’t want to be outside she’s a quirky one!
@stsivo This whole week is rainy and I feel for everyone's sanity 😂

Sometimes you just do what you gotta do tho. Stand outside with them or get some pee pads for of they absolutely won't go outside
@stsivo God, try doing this shit in the snow . My 3 yr old, fully trained Bichon, refuses to shit in weather that isn't sunny.

Gotta go with the others, stay outside until they do the deed.
@stsivo Go out with him with super duper high value treats and just stand there with him on the leash until he goes potty, then shower him in praise and treats! And repeat : )
@stsivo Oh, I feel your agony. I wanted to just cry when I went through this. Honestly, keep doing the right thing over and over and over (taking the dog out, giving it a few minutes, put in kennel, try again in twenty minutes, all while soaked and exhausted and trying not to cry). It really will pay off and you'll have a dog who'll dash out, do his business, and dash back in.

Definitely agree with what other folks say about a big treat while still outside after doing the business. Like, keep some cheese in a ziplock in your jacket pocket on rainy days.
@stsivo Do you try save a patch of grass for your pup? He seems very stubborn on not wanting to do his business on weathered grass. Use durable pastic and to save some grass for him. I would suggest creating a sheltered area with grass for your dog to do his thing. The home you are moving too doesnt have grass so i would suggest buying those real grass potty things for your dog. You could even use this instead of creating a small shelter!!

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