Perfect potty training at home, need advice for the office and excited peeing


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I have a nine month old beagle/lab Mix who has been the sweetest thing since j rescued her. She's fully potty trained and hasn't had an accident in the house in months.

However she recently started doing an excited pee whenever she sees certain people come in. I've been working with her on that but think it's just a phase I ha e to get through. Does anyone have advice for this?

Also my office allows my pup to come in for a day or two, which has been mostly great. She loves the attention, but I'm weary of her having an accident. One day I took her out every two hours and near the end of the day she still had a pee in the middle of the office.

Im thinking it's just a time thing but wanted to ask for any advice. I dont think j want to take away water while we are at work but that seems like the way to go right now. She's wonderful except for these two things.

Thanks in advance!

Puppy tax:Mia
@christhomas2 Ignore her when you come home, she pees because she’s excited to see you again.

Act boring, don’t talk, touch or even look at her. Give her a slight pat on the head, when she has finally calmed down you can cuddle as much as you want.

It’s known that puppies between 6-12 months enter their adolescence phase, in this phase they can regress in their house training, so I recommend that you go back to the basics and let her go pee ever 1-2 hours.

She’ll eventually grow out of it.
@christhomas2 When my pup comes in to work I:
A) take him out for a pee every hour
B) do not have a free water bowl - I have a dog water bottle that I brought from Amazon. He gets regular water but not too much - that way I know his bladder won’t be full at any point in the day.