Overtired v. Couped up v. Normal puppy behavior


New member
This is equal parts question and vent. I’m a single puppy mom and work full time. I get home at 5pm and take my puppy out. I exercise him, give him mental stimulation and play with him. At 7pm he gets crazy and bites. I thought he was overtired but my mom says he is couped up from being in his crate all day and need more exercise. I don’t know whether to give him a short nap in the crate or take him on another walk. Also as single dog mom it’s exhausting to play him and walk him for four hours straight before bed without taking my eye off of him. I also have to make dinner and eat during that time. I got an exercise pen but he just stares at me and barks when I leave him in there by himself. I need help or reassurance that it gets better.
@wyattwrd I’m home all day with my dog (6 months) and he gets a long walk, plus time in the yard and puzzles/enrichment toys…he still starts acting insane around 6-7 every evening.
@guitarfoto Same here with my 9 month old since day 1! No matter what we do, even a dog park trip...the witching hour still happens. It's always hilarious after the dog park because I *know* he's exhausted because he will have been standing by the gate begging to leave, fall asleep in the car, then gets home and cannot contain himself for like 15-30 min and then crashes for the rest of the night haha.
@guitarfoto Our lab, who is now 4, never did the witching hour thing. Didn't happen. I'd always read posts about the witching hour and thought "mine doesn't do that. I'm such a good puppy parent." Well I have a golden pup now too, 4 months old. Oh my god. It doesn't matter what we try, tire him out, let him nap a ton. Literally doesn't matter. Come 7pm all bets are off. Like is there something in the air in the evenings that just makes them lose it? I dread 7pm every day lol
@raycrossley52 We have two labs. One just turned two, one is 9 1/2. Our 9 1/2 year old has NEVER outgrown the witching hour. You can set your watch by it. Around 8 or 8:30 every night, she is full of energy, throwing toys around, growling, barking, wanting to be let outside for zoomies... it's insane! Our 2 year old lab just watches her and lets out the biggest sighs like she's so disgusted with her for not acting her age. We can't even be mad about it, because it makes me happy to see her run and act like a puppy at 9 1/2 years old!
@wyattwrd If he’s up from 5pm and is doing exercise and activities, he’s probably in need of a nap by the time it’s 7pm. 2 hours of being awake is a lot for a puppy, let alone 2 hours of being busy doing stuff

Edit I just reread your post and you said he is up for four hours!?!that’s definitely an overstimulated and overtired puppy! You could try getting him some bully sticks or cow ears or no hides to entertain himself with in the play pen?
@sp33d Thank you! I thought it felt like forever, but was getting pushback from family who don’t understand how much sleep puppies need. I will definitely keep giving him a nap around 7 even for 45 mins- an hour! :)
@wyattwrd Sounds like you have the same schedule i did as a single pup mum who works and i would put her down for a nap 7-8/8.30 and she got used to it and it was my ONLY me time in the day so I needed it too. Now she is approaching 5 months and i am phasing that enforced nap out. She naps on her own in that same time now :) so go for it and you can phase it out if you want later!
@anxioussleeper A puppy also needs approx 18 hours of sleep a day and mine, until recently, would NOT sleep outside of her crate. She still doesn't settle easily. If OP was following the 1 up 2 down rule the pup would likely be in the crate 16 hours a day too.
@nicolelovesjesus Ours is the same way - we're in a new house, and we only got him about a month ago. He just turned 5 months, and he will not nap anywhere that isn't either directly under my desk if I'm working or in his crate. After an hour or two of playing outside his crate, he starts getting very food obsessed, even if he's just eaten, and refuses to nap on the couch while my wife and I are there, doubly so if our other dog is with us.

So we started crating him for 2ish hours every hour or two he's outside his crate, and we've seen massive improvements. He's having fewer accidents in the house, listening to commands better, and overall just way, way less frustrating. He's even taken to walking into the other room and crating himself when our other dog wants to play longer than he does. I feel guilty as hell leaving him in there that long every day, but he starts lightly whining when he's ready to come out, and it seems like he genuinely loves being in there. Our other dog wouldn't calm down in her crate no matter what. Dogs are just weird sometimes.
@wyattwrd You’re doing it right. Pup needs a nap. First thing my trainer told me about my new pup. When they get mouthy, they need a crate break. It’s like a toddler having a tantrum when they need a nap. I have a toddler. The dog version of a tantrum is so much easier. I can’t put my kids in a crate. That’s frowned upon in modern society. I got my pup a moose antler and hemp rope. Really keeps her happy when she wants some active chill time in the crate

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