Not a breeding question, but an odd intact male behavior question, if anyone can help


New member
I have an intact male GSD, 8 years old, studded one litter 4 years ago. Since he displayed no unwanted behavior associated with intact males, we just left him that way. We took in a 5 month old boxer/bulldog male back in June, he’s still intact because I wanted to wait til he was a bit older. My GSD seems to think the puppy is in heat. There are no females around, I live in a rural area and have two neighbors; one has two neutered males and the other has one spayed female. So…what’s going on lol. The GSD is behaving very out of the ordinary, this is not like him at all. And the puppy isn’t displaying any sort of male aggression you typically see between two intact males close to a female in heat, he is constantly trying to escape the GSD.

They’ve been separated since yesterday when the GSD became a bit too assertive for me to control, and he’s relentless trying to get to the puppy. Anyone else see this behavior? I’m totally flummoxed here.