No WSAVA recommended foods from my vet

@sevilodorf All 4 of the vets around here as well. I used to buy into ingredient lists, meat content, the high dollar boutique stuff, and vets weren’t impressed. The vets carry are hills, rc, and purina around here. They speak highly of my use of hills now lol.
@reformedpowerhouse Remember that vets, just like doctors, are just people. And people can choose to do what they want. There are plenty of doctors that push holistic medications that have no scientific proof, that may make things worse, and can Even kill people. Sadly, this is the same for vets. And even more sad is that it's really up to owners to make the decision to take their pets to certain vets.

Wsava is the WORLD small animal veterinary association. It's a group of vets from all over the world that have come up with guidelines for people and vets to follow based on the most up to date research and science.

For me, knowing that there are vets all over the world that agree to all of this, says a ton. Having a few vets decide not to follow or choose to give different recommendations based on anecdotal experience instead of science also says a ton..

Up to you to make the decision