My vet wants to charge $700 to get my puppy neutered, is that normal?


New member
Seems pretty high to me and I hadn’t planned to budget that in for the year… Planning to shop around but no idea what I should be looking for, anyone have a price range? Given that animal shelters do this constantly on low budgets, I can’t imagine $700 per dog is the norm.

Edit: I live in the US
@tarper That's crazy. I paid maybe $300 max to get my adult dog neutered a few months ago, and that was with every additional option added - laser surgery, numbing injection before surgery, IV fluids during surgery, blood work before, etc. I am located in a major city in the midwest. I'd advise looking for another vet, unless you are in a ridiculously high cost of living area then maybe that's normal but it seems really high for a simple neuter.
@nier This is more what I was expecting to find… I live in a very affordable area in NC, I think this is crazy! Thanks for sharing, I’ll be looking around for sure
@tarper Look around! Often the ASPCA and humane societies will post about a day or two where the pets can be neutered for discount prices. Usually to help with lower incomes but offered to those who live in that county.
@tarper It cost less than what you were quoted for our rescue dog to get neutered AND have bladder stones removed. Idk what kind of bougie vet they think they are but $700 for a routine surgery is wild
@nier That's not even fair .... I had to take my pitty to the vet and blood work alone was $900 dollars......not including any treatment or medication just blood work....
@tarper That’s pretty cheap considering emergency neutering is 10s of thousands, but ASCPA and other clinics do it for free actually! Idk what state you’re in but search for shelters that neuter/spay with little to no cost :)
@tarper You can find a vet in your area that would do it on the cheaper side. County animal hospitals will do it cheaper. Good luck. That is an excessive amount from a shelter.
@tarper yes I agree that $250-400 range is more accurate/common.... 700 seems very excessive to me as well. I would ask for an itemized list of everything and what the costs are just so you can see what they are adding because some things such as the laser are optional at the end of the day but even with that 700 seems very expensive. I got a full grown female Rottweiler spayed for under $400
@tarper There may be some clinics that offer spay-neuter services for much cheaper, and that amount sounds ridiculous. Our vet has an annual program where all cats and dogs get spayed or neutered for free.
@tarper For a routine neuter of a medium sized 2yro dog my vet bill was about $225.

There has to be a snip clinic, SPCA or other vet in your area that would charge less for the same service or provide you with information to find one. Ask anyone you know or local city reddit page.

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