My pup loves the awful weather and it's making me hate him


New member
As I write this, it's 7:45am in New York, it's 40 degrees out with 20mph wind and it's been raining for about 30 straight hours. And my pup really wants to go play outside.

I took him out at about 6:30 this morning for a potty break, as is our standard morning routine to buy me time for breakfast before our walk. I've been putting boots and/or a raincoat on him lately to get him used to them for winter, but I didn't do that today and boy he loved it. He splashed in every puddle, he jumped at branches, and he grabbed and played with so many sticks. Then he didn't want to come inside, and now that we're inside he's nipping at my leg and demanding our walk right now. It was cute when it was warm outside, it's so upsetting now that it's freezing outside. All I want to do is curl up inside with the heater and a warm beverage but he is demanding a long walk.

Puppy tax. He's an 8 month old lab mix, and yes this post was really just an excuse to post this pic.

Edit: after this post I sucked it up and took him on our normal hour long walk, without his jacket or boots because he doesn't really need them in this weather. He had an amazing time. Splashed in puddles, rolled in waterlogged lawns, tried to eat all the wet trash that was flowing down the gutter. Actually a very pleasant way to spend the morning, except for the inevitable nonstop bout of pneumonia I'll be dealing with until March.
@endspiel How did you get that outfit on him without him going wild?! I'm in the storm as well and my puppy's coat is coming today in the mail. She's been a trooper going out when needed, but she shivers.
@imagebeastmarkbeast He actually doesn't mind it. That's not a warm coat, it's just a raincoat, so it just velcros around his waist and has bands around his legs.

Getting the boots on is more of an adventure, quite a few bites but he's mostly okay with it once I get one on.
@imagebeastmarkbeast I have a gsdxhusky amd man his fur holds water. We went for a walk this morning and he found a nice ditch full of water. Let’s just say he’s still damp now and that was 7 hours ago lol

The trick is, treats! Positive association. Purchase the jacket and let him sniff it, he sniffs = treat. Try putting it on his back = treat then take it off... repeat until he figures out what’s happening. Soon he’ll know jacket = treats

I do this for any nasty things we need to do too, cleaning paws, any wounds he gets, wiping his bum. Rewarding him for not fucking off!
@jics Hey I have a 50/50 husky/shepherd mix as well and I’ve found that the ABSOLUTE best way to get him fully dry after a bath/dip in the creek it however he decides to get soaking wet this time is to use a blow dryer in low heat and the fan on high, it Andy gets his fur all nice and fluffy to so I love using it
@jics Oh yeah it’ll help with getting him/her used to loud noises as well! Plus you gotta do all this stuff that the pup hates while he’s young so he will be used to it by the time he’s grown up so it won’t be a nightmare bathing him once he’s 90 lbs haha
@imagebeastmarkbeast It's getting cold here and my 6 month old boy has short hair and shivers, but when I try to put a sweater or anything on him, he just bites it and tugs at it to the point of destruction. I want to keep him warm! It's so frustrating!
@cmjohnson1613 Lol. You act like I'm not already doing it. I have only had him for 2 months, I don't expect this much progress this fast. Coat is low on my list right now. He has made significant progress in other areas.