My groomer nipped my dog. Wants to go through her insurance and I’m annoyed and upset about it

@_h_ Every day is a different day. I've been bitten by dogs that loved me for years, and they had a bad day. Not the dog's fault, not the groomers 🤷🏻‍♀️

I think you went from 0-100 real quick, but I think the communication was confusing for you both. If it was me, I would probably apologize to my groomer for overreacting. If you ever want to go back to her, I wouldn't be surprised if she refused to take you back as a client after this as you are now considered a liability. We understand people get worked up, but we have an incredibly dangerous job and having added stress of lawsuit threats isn't worth it. I would just try to leave on good terms in the event you want to bring your dog back one day.
@%E2%98%A6marius%E2%98%A6 This dog was nicked by the groomer. It is not unreasonable for the dog owner to be upset that the groomer isn't immediately paying ... yes insurance may take a while BUT the groomer could pay and have her insurance reimburse her ... and first the groomer offers to pay only half!! It also seems like the groomer didn't realize (at best) that she nicked the dog ... at worst, she realized but decided to hide from the owner as the owner only discovered when she had her dog at home and dog was acting distressed from the wound. None of this is owner's fault.

I definitely wouldn't take my dog to this groomer and I wouldn't apologize to this groomer at all. Groomer owes her an apology for nicking the dog. Yes, dogs may move during grooming but nicking a dog should be rare and should be also be told to the owner.
@fijiman I never said it was the owner's fault. She didn't need to jump straight to a lawsuit. Yes, the groomer should have covered it 100% in the first place, but I would have just asked her to cover it 100% as it had nothing to do with me. If she still refused, then maybe escalate it.

And as far as you know, this could be the first time the groomer has nicked a dog. And depending on location and how bad the cut is, she may not have even noticed. Obviously I'm not the owner so it could be on the dog's forehead with 3 gallons of blood all over for all I know. But I guarantee, a groomer with a lot of injuries on record will go out of business in no time. This groomer will if she doesn't learn how to properly handle these situations but the escalation seemed rushed, in my opinion.
@%E2%98%A6marius%E2%98%A6 Okay and I admit there was misreading and miscommunication on my part the first day. But the next day when I said clearly that you need to pay the full amount, she said she has to go through her insurance. So she did not agree.
@_h_ Going through insurance to cover vet bills on accidents is completely normal. Incidents like this are exactly why we carry liability insurance. Some smaller shops will just pay out of pocket for smaller sums rather than go through insurance, but that's just to avoid their premiums going up for making a small claim.

The groomer was definitely in the wrong for only trying to pay half at first if it was the shop's fault.
@plavious Do you not realize that it’s only an additional $136? Why extend this process and headache for the both of us over $136?

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