My foster dog is doing the cutest thing..


New member
I am fostering a 5 year old lab. She was in a hoarding situation with 20 other dogs. She had ticks all over her eyes to her tail. The fact that she turned out as the sweetest dog I have ever fostered is such a surprise to me.

Her name is Camille and she has not had an accident since she's been here, barked, or caused any trouble. She is so calm, and wants nothing more than pets. And I mean NOTHING! She will knock over a tub of treats and food just to curl up next to you. It warms my heart.

I noticed when I would leave and go to the store, coffee shop, etc. I would come home and she would be sleeping with my sandal! It was never chewed, but always near her head. I thought it was a weird quirk until...

I took off my shirt I wore all day and hung it over the laundry basket. I had to leave, with another shirt, and come back. I was gone 30 minutes.

I found her on my bed with her cuddling my shirt. I think she just wants my scent while I am away. It almost brought me to happy tears. I love her so much.

@anabia She would be mine if it wasn't for my most recent foster fail, a 14 year old pit mix, being a total bully to her. It's stressing him out with another dog so sadly she can't stay for too long. She has a potential adopter tomorrow who seems like a great fit! Fingers crossed
@kimmyk401 Thanks for working with her.

If they adopt her suggestion to let them know about the shirt snuggling and maybe find an old shirt you don’t mind giving up to help her transition while they also provide her with a shirt?
@juhi I had a dog once who lost a leg and was in the ER for a whole weekend. I sent him with the shirt I was wearing that day and some of his favorite jummies. Made the vet keep him on morphine drips because it was damn days he was there. I miss him, the toughest little dog he was.
@kimmyk401 This is the correct choice, almost always. Every foster fail ends up being just one less space for other dogs to be saved.

It’s always so much easier to think this with your brain than feel this with your heart.

Anyways OP, you’re doing a great thing!!