My dogs keep chewing my niece's underwear


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My dogs keep chewing my niece’s underwear

I have 2 6 month old Pitbull pups and they keep chewing up the crotch area of my niece’s underwear so bad to the point that I have to go to the store and purchase new ones.

What does this mean? Any solutions? I can’t seem to understand why this keeps happening. It has been happening since I got them at 3 months old and they’re extremely persistent. She has a clothes basket with a lid that she stores her dirty clothes in and they still find a way to knock the basket over, bust open the lid, and chew up her underwear (the crotch area in specific).

I would like to know why they’re chewing just the crotch area of her underwear in specifically?

We have limited space because we live in a 3 bedroom house with my spouse, in laws, my daughter and niece, and her husband.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
@babylee I'm hoping you get some good answers on this bc my son's dog does the same thing. for 4 years. eats all of their dirty socks and crotches of underwear. he's an aussie, so I figured it's bc he's anxious and bored and not well cared for or exercised and kept in an apartment. I encouraged them to discuss it with their vet, increase time/attn/exercise which this breed needs or rehome him (they should not have him). I'm shocked he hasn't had a bowel obstruction. I've had to buy a ton of underwear and socks for my son. So, if there are no other suggestions, I would say start with the vet who may refer you to a behavior specialist. in absence of that, I'd say LOTS of exercise, maybe things to do at home like snuffle mats, puzzles, anything to keep them busy. close all doors to rooms and make sure all clothes are put away in drawers/closets/ laundry bins that are not accessible to the dogs. like maybe a Rubbermaid bin with locking top. keep the dogs corralled in an area that they can do the least amount of damage to. if they do manage to get something, immediately redirect with something more exciting like a kong with something inside they really need to focus on. teach the leave it command. and then take them to good quality obedience training. they need a job! lol. Exhaust, train, redirect, protect. you've got your hands full for sure! good luck.
@babylee It's pretty normal OP, honestly the best thing to do is just find a way to keep them away and make sure they really know "leave it" or "drop it" for when they do get stuff they aren't supposed to have. It can really, really mess up their insides/kill them if they swallow cloth like that. I have a 2 year old female Aussie/border Collie and she loves worn underwear (except she sucks on them instead of eating them lol), so we just can't give her access to the room with the laundry hamper in it anymore. It mostly stays in a bathroom with the door closed, or we've baby gated our bedroom
@sometimesthewolf Thank you for the advice. My niece has had issues with hygiene as she’s only 14 and still working through the changes of puberty and entering womanhood.
Her mom and I have been on her constantly about picking up after herself.

Also, is there a certain brand of the spray that you recommend?

I was reading more responses and I feel the spray could possibly be a cheaper alternative than obedient school.
@mark58 She has gotten better with putting everything in her basket. What’s happening is the dogs are breaking open the lid on her basket and chewing up the crotch area of her underwear as I stated in the OP.
@babylee Get a different laundry basket. I mean you could hire a trainer and spend some time and money training, but management for something like this is cheap and easy