My Dog Won’t Eat


New member
I posted on here recently about my new dog, a 2 year old Lab/Aussie mix I got about a week ago. I have another question for this group. Ever since we got him, he’s refused to eat kibble. We switched the brand and flavor and he ate that for a day before going back to ignoring it, grazing on it, or taking a piece to a different room and eating it there. He’s very thin and we’re concerned about why he isn’t eating like a regular dog does. He loves cheese and dog treats and will happily eat those, no question. I have been mixing shredded cheese in his bowl but I don’t want him to have stomach problems because of the dairy. I tried putting sodium free chicken broth in the bowl with the kibble but he wanted no part of it. He simply doesn’t like kibble. What can I do to help him or what else can I feed him that won’t hurt his stomach or intensities later on? If I have to cook him chicken or something every day, I will. I just want to know if there’s a way for him to eat kibble first. I would provide images of him to show his weight but I can’t. His breed is mentioned above, you can see his ribs/feel them when he’s laying down. He is maybe 2 feet tall on all fours and 45-50 lbs currently. We think he should be closer 60. Anything helps!
@jhm59 We have picky dogs, too. They will eat plain kibble, although rather reluctantly, but if we mix their kibble with some canned food they will lick the bowls clean. We even mix in fresh fruit and veggies a few times a week. Blueberries are a favorite, and they love carrots and sweet potato. Fresh or cooked. A little goes a long way for our dogs. There are also what are called meal toppers. Easy to find at pet supply stores and online. Some of them can even be heated up before mixing with kibble. Sending good wishes for you and your dog and many, many happy years together.
@jhm59 maybe add a little broth to the food or try the wet food. maybe the dogs teeth hurt? could be an issue with the mouth.
@3rdeye His favorite toy is a tug rope that he chews on like he’s teething, could that mean (combined with the food issue) that his teeth hurt or he has a cavity??
@jhm59 maybe? I'd def ask the vet to check his mouth to make sure and tell them about his no interest in eating his food. you'd think that if a dog gets hungry enough, he'll eat, which is what they say about kids, but I find that's not always true. some people and pets are picky. maybe he's anxious, hurting, has a food allergy, etc... but I'd try good quality wet food or some broth and see if that piques his interest. bc that's the cheapest route. and if he's still not interested after another week, take him to the vet. try not to be super concerned or anxious. maybe he feels your anxiety. all you can do is be loving and inclusive so he gets comfortable with his new space and family. keep up his exercise and other training. which is the fastest way to bond and provide a feeling of security to him while he adjusts. a good obedience training center might also help. and your vet might have a behavior therapist on staff or can recommend one. best of luck with your new man!
@jhm59 My dog was picky as all get out, and still is some days. I would definitely suggest utilizing the kibble as treats and basically tricking the pup into eating their daily calories. I also have resorted to hand feeding my dog when she gets picky, and make a show of being interested/"fake eating" the kibble as well. Best of luck!
@beaktl Fake eating might work because he loves to sit and watch me eat! Any tips on how to do fake eating while not having him eat my human food out of my hand or off my plate?
@jhm59 I would sit on the floor next to his bowl and pick up a piece of kibble and literally go "om nom nom! so good" and act happy and excited, and continue doing that. Then you can offer him a piece of the kibble. So on and so forth. Dogs sometimes learn by modeling behavior, so it can be really helpful.

I don't see any correlation between this and him thinking your food is his!
@jhm59 Oh I have to do this with my girl. Ever since she had some stomach issues when we moved, we had been in the same apartment her whole 8 years of life, vet said it was most likely anxiety.
I cook boneless skinless chicken breast, instant white rice and walfart frozen peas and carrots, then mix it with the walfart brand chicken gravy packet, sometimes we add purina puppy chow, or beneful puppy chow, then let it cool down and pretend we're eating it saying mmmm, yum, this is so good! Then hand feed some of it to her and kinda lead her to her food dish or sometimes we have to hand feed her the whole bowl, but at least we know she has something in her stomach.
Your dog may miss her/his former human terribly and may be depressed. Good luck and please keep us updated if possible
  1. Talk to your vet to rule out pain or discomfort.
  2. The more you add stuff to his kibble, the pickier he’ll be. When you add high value treats to his kibble you’re essentially teaching him that if he refuses to eat, you’ll give him high values.
  3. If you just got him a week ago, he’s still adjusting. Some dogs feel less hungry when they’re stressed out. There’s a chance he’ll eat more once he’s settled in. Keep offering food at meals, but try picking the food up after a certain amount of time. He’ll learn that he needs to eat when he gets fed rather than grazing or picking over it.
@niaa He wouldn’t eat at the shelter or at his foster home either, he’s been to a vet about a month ago and they gave him perfect health. He has a vet appt scheduled thank you!!
@jhm59 My female is like this we just got her instead of the larger kibble the small dogs kibble ( she is boxer mastiff /afghan hound mix not a small dog ) also I make bone broth to hydrate the kibble she eats it a pot better