My dog will not leave me alone when I’m having sex

@spst Lordy, I have the same problem with my dog. I started putting her in my car. I think she is resource guarding me, and I’m eager to see the suggestions you get! It’s a bit of a buzz kill, lol.
@spst Our puppy just sorta had to get used to it. We lock him out of the bedroom. He whined a lot at first, but eventually he realized whining gets him no attention. Now he just sits at the door sadly and waits for us to open it.
@spst Our puppy got so used to being put in her crate during sexytimes, when we'd start fooling around she would put herself in there lol. Not helpful, but hopefully a cute story :)
@spst My terrier acts weird when my husband and I have sex. She grabs a blanket or pillow and humps it until it rips. We have to put her in a different room and remove pillows and blankets. She does the same thing when we leave her home alone. I thinks she’s just anxious and doesn’t know what we’re doing.
@spst Omg reminds me of my bfs dog I was going down on my bf once and I look up and his dog was laying down between my bfs legs just inches away staring at me like he wanted a turn he’s now known a sour little pervert and we love him despite him being a ho
@spst Some of the recommendations I'm seeing here are hilarious. If you can't say no to your dog I'd really hate to see how out of control your kids are.

Let the dog bark and whine behind the locked door. If you keep reinforcing her behavior it will continue. You have to correct misbehavior, it sounds like you're rewarding it.

Also if this isn't handled, your boyfriend is going to get bit by the dog during sex.
@spst So first off, do you live in an apartment or a house? If you have a yard, I would put her out there. My husband and I have just started having sex when she's normally outside for the evening anyway. She doesn't care and is happy enjoying her time outside. Of course, this doesn't work in bad weather.

So on the point 2, do you practice leaving her alone? Like in another room? The living room is our girls domain. When the weather is bad we leave her downstairs in the living room and go upstairs to our bedroom. We also turn on our AC unit fan which makes a lot of noise. She didn't seem bothered by this either. Again, if you're in an apartment this is more difficult as you're in close quarters. But maybe allowing her free roam rather than crated would be better. I also second the suggestion for a rawhide or an interactive toy. Our girl LOVES her bob-a-lot/wobbler toy and that keeps her busy for awhile.

Sorry that you're dealing with this. It's definitely hard when pets interfere with this stuff. Our cats sometimes just sit on the bed and stare at us and it's very unnerving and weird...
@spst She probably is trying to protect you or thinks it is playtime. You could try training around guarding behavior or calming/redirecting. Though I’d also maybe speak to a dog trainer. Or just fill a king with peanut butter and put her in another room lol
@spst I had the similar problem with our older frenchie, especially when he was a puppy. For me this situation is one I really (up to now) cant really tell what's going on in the head of him. Is he worried cause he doesn't really know what's going on and he assumes I'm in danger. Or is he jealous cause he thinks in playing with my bf and we exclude him. Or is it attention seeking for the most part.

It's hard to do training on the situation. And I actually doesn't have alot other advice than what was given already: super consequent ignoring. And praising and rewarding as soon as he shows the favoured behaviour for 1,5-2 min (I know, second part is hard to integrate). Yelling at him and repeated pushes or "no"s wont do nothing but reinforcing.

I think for my dog he was more concerned for the most part. Cause after a while he just started to show that behaviour when he couldn't see me anymore from his spot cause I moved out of his sight. When I appeared back he was ok again.
@spst Does she hear you having sex? Is that the issue? if so, just put her in the crate and put on some light calming music. Additionally, cover the crate with a some sort of cover or blanket so she can only see out through the front.

Next, You need to devote 100% of your energy to crate training. Specifically crate training and then you and your boyfriend leaving the room. Click and reward each time she goes in on her own accord. Teach her a command to go in on her own. Feed her in there. Breakfast with a frozen kong, etc.
@spst Smack the crate when the dog whines. Tell her quiet. It can kind of be taken as “the crate doesn’t like it when you make noise”. The startle effect should get them to stop.